Thwap Talk
Welcome to the base of this community! Please be respectful, or you WILL be hit by totatoes. You have been warned.
General Discussion
Here's where you can chat with other members about various Wingfeather-related things!
5,2 milIntroduce Yourself
This is the place for new members to introduce themselves.
128General Book Discussion
Books! Feel free to share your recent reads, or ask for recommendations! Christian books or books by Christian authors.
48Skills and Hobbies
Do you have an amazing talent or have you learned an awesome skill? Share them here! We might want to learn them, too!
89Wingfeather Saga Discussion
Here is where you can discuss about the books, the characters, etc. (many of these posts will have spoilers).
Three Honored and Great Subjects: Word, Form, and Song. Have you been doing your THAGS? Show us!
1,1 milWord (Writer's Club)
This is where the writers in our community can post their stories, poetry, and essays.
1 milForm
Show us your artistic talent!
Share your musical adventures!
15Crafts and Creations
Here is where you can post all your recipes, crafts, art, and other projects inspired by the Wingfeather lore.
827Wingfeather Saga Memes
This is the place to post all of your memes inspired by the Wingfeather Saga.
237General Memes
This is where you can post memes to share with other members.
This is where you post your scrumptupulous recipes!
37Polls and Contests
Here is where you can post all your polls, games, and contests for the Thwap House Community.
430Collaborative Stories
This is where members can team up to create collaborative stories and roleplays.
88Wingfeather Saga Roleplay
This is a temporary category for Olluvan Hawkoon's Wingfeather Saga Roleplay.
55Fan Fiction
This is where you can post all of your Wingfeather Saga fan fiction/poems.
706Spoiler Fanfiction
Put your fanfiction that includes spoilers here.
443Fane of Fire
What has God been doing in your life?
56Prayer requests
Share your prayer requests here.
Here is where you can post for help about site rules, technical issues, or anything else regarding this site.
184Forum Rules/Updates
Follow this category for clarifications about the forum rules, as well as updates about how we use the forum.
- General Memesmore quotes! enjoy Lili: Who ate all the cookies? Wren: Wasn't me. Spags: There's literally cookie crumbs on your shirt. Wren **runs* Non-Thwaphouser: Who broke the printer? Lili: It was already broken. Spags: Define "broke". Wren: Is it not supposed to smoke? Wren: "It's not rocket science." Bats: "Unless you're building a rocket, then it probably is." **mass destruction* Lili: What happened?! Spags: "All's fair in love and war." Wren: "And board games." Gracie: "Life is like a box of chocolates." Fab: "Unless you're allergic to chocolate, then it's like a box of disappointment." Lili: "Keep your friends close and your snacks closer." Kay: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Ickaw: "Unless the doctor is really persistent." Spags: "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Gracie: "Or just throw them back and demand chocolate." Oskar: "The pen is mightier than the sword." Banana: "Unless you're in a sword fight." Wren: "Money can't buy happiness." Anaya: "But it can buy fries, which is basically the same thing." Ickaw: "The early bird catches the worm." Wren: "And the late bird gets to sleep in." Kay: "Actions speak louder than words." Spags: "But sometimes, a really loud word will do the trick." Anaya: "The best things in life are free." Lili: "Like the samples at the grocery store." Lili: While I'm gone Wren you're in charge Wren: YAY!!!!! Lili: **whispering* Spags you're actually in charge. Spags: obviously
- Wingfeather Saga MemesMe gusta
- The Warden and the Wolf KingYa'll I was beginning to do some research in TWatWK for my fanfic. I was flipping through the pages and for some reason, I stopped at the poem at the beginning. (It's by George MacDonald) So I started to read it-like, really read it. While I read the poem, the ending was very fresh in my brain-as I've been thinking about it recently. So... was I the only one who didn't see how perfectly that reflects the ending of the Wingfeather Saga? "I dreamed of a song--I heard it sung; In the ear of my soul its strange notes rung. What were its words I could not tell, Only the voice I heard right well. A voice with a wild melodious cry Reaching and longing afar and high. Sorrowful triumph, and hopeful strife, Gainful death, and new-born life."Me gusta