I need advice/help/I don't know what.
After so many amazing drawings on here, I decided to give it a shot. I started small of course. I found "simple" instructions for a dog. Simple is in quotation marks because IT WASN'T SIMPLE!! I was stressed out drawing this. Anyway here it is.

Then I colored it in using an app.

I personally think I did horrible, but what do I know? Any advice from you talented people? @Janna The Heart @Leeli Iggyfeather @Addy Hawthorne @Anna J. and anyone else better than me
Honestly that's better than the cursed mutation that occurs when I try to draw a dog.
And I don't think I'm qualified to give advice on drawing.
But it looks incredible!!!!
I think you did a great job! Seeing how so many people are doing drawings really makes me want to do some too!
That’s pretty good Kalmar! But I’m no artist either so I don’t know how much weight my opinion has. 😁
That's not horrible at all! I've never taken lessons and I'm not amazing at giving advice either, but I've found that rather than doing step by step drawings or just drawing from your mind, it's easier (at least for me) to just look at a piece of art and copy it as closely as possible, even if it turns out not as amazing as I would have hoped. I still just look at things and copy them, and I very rarely draw from my mind or use tutorials. That's at least what I've done for all the artwork I've posted here. Hope this helps :)
That’s a great start! I’m really not good at advice, because generally when I try to offer it I make the person mad or they think I think they did badly, but I would say try to take it step-by-step. Break it down into shapes: circle for the head and eyes, triangles for the ears and nose, etc. 😊
It looks like it would go well in a comic book or cartoon. It's actually quite nice.
No, you didn't do terrible! It really depends on the style you're going for.
As far as I've figured out, you really have to start out by just doing art for fun. I spent years just doodling in any book I could find, and at first they were... horrible! 😅 But I still did it for fun, and when I was 12 or so I began to realize that people were no longer saying "Aw, that's so cute! Good job" and started seriously saying that it really was good. I still personally don't think I'm very good, but I just know that I've gotten better over time. There are also many, many Youtube channels that make drawing easy! You could try and find a channel you like, then try doing a tutorial, say, once a week.
Another thing, is that you can develop your coordination for drawing by practicing making simple shapes, over and over. You can also use rulers and other tools to improve your lines.
I was just drawing a sea dragon today! (Just thought i'de mention lol) Looks good! It totally depends on the style your'e going for to say what is good art. After you draw the outline of a picture with a pencil, try shading and then use some fine tip pens. If you need to look at a picture for reference that totally great! Keep it up, and do what you think your style is! ;)
It's a good start! It looks like you did a continuing line throughout the piece, which isn't bad but it's much harder to make shapes that way. It would help you to do shorter strokes to formulate lines. The proportions are there but it may benefit you to look a a reference picture while you draw (if you didn't do that already). References help artists to develop their hand-eye coordination. I think you're off to a good start and thank you for asking for advice! Continue to be open to it and you will improve in no time!
You didn't do terribly! That's really good! I like the colors you used for it. This is a good start, if you practice, you'll be better than me in no time! A good tip is to try out different types of pencils and find one that your comfortable with. Also, try not to put too much pressure on the pencil when drawing. Instead, start with a light sketch, that way it's much easier to erase if you make a mistake! 😄