One of my favorite aspects of the Wingfeather Saga is that we get to see the main cast grow and mature as the story goes on. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.
I decided to take this element of the story and put it into an illustration.

You did such an excellent job!
And you are absolutely correct...😪
How did I not see this before?! This is incredible! Poor Leeli. 😢
This is insane
*clutches chest* My heart!!!!!! It's beautiful in such a sad way!!!!!
this is amazing! so epic😲
Oh my goodness those are amazing 😦😦😦😦😦
Oh, I saw this on FB! Poor Leeli's lips... 😭
I *Sniff* love *Sniff* it! But *Sniff* so *Sniff* sad!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Wow!! Those are incredible!! 👏👏
It's 😭 so 😭 beautiful!!!!!!!!!
I love the lighting.
That's really good. They look like they gained several years but what are the lines on their face?
Awesome! (Kal's wolf hair 🤣)
Leeli looks depressed in the bottom one.
Great job! These look nice!
WOWEE!!! That's amazing especially the lighting!!
WOW! That is BEAUTIFUL! They look so EPIC.