It seems my first quiz on On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness was too hard, and my second one was too easy, so we'll see if this one lands nicely in the middle! This is a "name the quote" quiz. I have selected 25 quotes from On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, and you need to figure out which character said each one! Lets begin, shall we?
1. “Good. I’m starving. Maybe Grandpa will make some more of that cheesy chowder.”
a. Leeli Igiby
b. Janner Igiby
c. Tink Igiby
d. Jeb Blaggus
2. “Now get in here, lads and lasses, and tell me a tale that’ll make me quiver in me boots.”
a. Podo Helmer
b. Oskar N. Reteep
c. Armulyn the Bard
d. Commander Gnorm
3. “Take me to Dugtown. Now!”
a. Commander Gnorm
b. General Khrak
c. Slarb
d. Podo Helmer
4. “Well, it was . . . really pretty.”
a. Nia Igiby
b. Leeli Igiby
c. Janner Igiby
d. Ferinia Swapleton
5. “Look! It stopped in front of the jail.”
a. Podo Helmer
b. Janner Igiby
c. Peet the Sockman
d. Tink Igiby
6. “Keep walking, make sure you don’t let that thing show, and tell me what happened.”
a. Janner Igiby
b. Tink Igiby
c. Nia Igiby
d. Podo Helmer
7. “If Leeli never comes back, will we just pretend like she never existed, the way you do with – Esben?”
a. Janner Igiby
b. Tink Igiby
c. Oskar N. Reteep
d. Peet the Sock Man
8. “I understand, boy. It’s a very private thing.”
a. Nia Igiby
b. Armulyn the Bard
c. Podo Helmer
d. Oskar N. Reteep
9. “Good morning, jailbird.”
a. Tink Igiby
b. Nia Igiby
c. Slarb
d. Commander Gnorm
10. “The same business I had last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, horse maggot.”
a. Commander Gnorm
b. General Khrak
c. Slarb
d. Podo Helmer
11. “We’ll just have to wait here and pray to the Maker that we’ll get the chance we need.”
a. Oskar N. Reteep
b. Podo Helmer
c. Janner Igiby
d. Nia Igiby
12. “But . . . how? All those Fangs! How can you be so sure he’s alive?”
a. Janner Igiby
b. Tink Igiby
c. Leeli Igiby
d. Nia Igiby
13. “Igiby! Praise the Maker, it’s an Igiby!”
a. Oskar N. Reteep
b. Mayor Blaggus
c. Podo Helmer
d. Peet the Sock Man
14. “I think we should go to Peet’s tree house. He has food and –“
a. Leeli Igiby
b. Nia Igiby
c. Janner Igiby
d. Tink Igiby
15. “Aye! What’s going on?”
a. Leeli Igiby
b. Tink Igiby
c. Podo Helmer
d. Slarb
16. “It’s one of the oldest books in the world, one of the First Books, according to some.”
a. Podo Helmer
b. Nia Igiby
c. Peet the Sock Man
d. Oskar N. Reteep
17. “Run! It’s a trap! Run!”
a. Peet the Sock Man
b. Nia Igiby
c. Leeli Igiby
d. Janner Igiby
18. “The thwaps are back?”
a. Nia Igiby
b. Leeli Igiby
c. Tink Igiby
d. Oskar N. Reteep
19. “No way. Nobody could survive a toothy cow. Besides, the Blaggus boys are too jumpy to go anywhere near the forest. They’re pulling your strings.”
a. Nia Igiby
b. Leeli Igiby
c. Podo Helmer
d. Janner Igiby
20. “Let that be a lesson, boy. Touch me again and I’ll eat you alive.”
a. Slarb
b. General Khrak
c. Commander Gnorm
d. Brak
21. “Many new books for you to read, Janner Igiby.”
a. Oskar N. Reteep
b. Peet the Sock Man
c. Zouzab Koit
d. Armulyn the Bard
22. “Jouncey as a two-ton bog pie!”
a. Ferinia Swapleton
b. Alep Brume
c. Mayor Blaggus
d. Charney Baimington
23. “Not now, you fool. Can’t you see I’m lifting this human? This is harder than it looksss.”
a. Slarb
b. Commander Gnorm
c. General Khrak
d. Random Fang
24. “Nuggy and I made it out, but only barely, bonely.”
a. Peet the Sock Man
b. Leeli Igiby
c. Oskar N. Reteep
d. Zouzab Koit
25. “What do you mean, ‘what do you mean’?”
a. Janner Igiby
b. Nia Igiby
c. Mayor Blaggus
d. Tink Igiby
… hard one! 😬 c?