It was getting harder to hide the pain. Every bit of Kalmar Wingfeather’s effort went into keeping a straight face. There was no reason his family should know about it. They didn’t need to worry about him. Kalmar was alright. He was perfectly content and happy. Not in pain-or anything like it.
Kalmar was not blaming himself for his brother’s death. No, in truth, that was far from his mind. His every effort had gone into showing his family how not in pain he was.
Kalmar was wonderful, nothing was wrong, and what was Nia drinking? Kalmar gripped the grass before him and allowed himself to concentrate on his surroundings. He looked at his mother.
“How do you feel, Nia?” Artham asked softly. Nia stared at the First Well. At least, Kalmar thought it was his mother. It could have been anyone else. Nia-it must be her- nodded slowly. Then, she handed the shell to someone who looked like Sara. She looked nervous. Nia smiled at her. Sara tilted her head back and let a drop of water fall into her mouth.
Kalmar gazed around at his family. Leeli was across from him-no, that was Sara. Leeli was next to him. Next to him was Nia and Artham. Or was it Artham and Nia? Kalmar didn’t know. He couldn’t think. He could only think of that pain and hiding it.
Again, Oskar was unable to think of a quote. Something was different about him. After several excruciatingly long moments, Kalmar concluded that he must have had a few drops as well. When had that happened? Kalmar didn’t know, but a part of his mind-the part that was lucid enough to form coherent thought- told him to stay quiet.
“Leeli, what about you?” Janner’s voice asked from behind him. Kalmar knew it was bad, worse than what he’d thought. Wait…worse than what? He didn’t know. Every thought hurt. Janner sat in front of him, not behind.
Every part of Kalmar ached to taste some of the water, to let a drop fall on the foot he injured their first day in the Blackwood. But not yet. Not while his younger sister received the healing for herself. She’d be able to dance and run. That thought filled him with unexpected joy.
Janner Wingfeather patiently watched as Nia let a few drops of water fall over his little sister’s leg. For a moment, nothing happened. Then there was a crackling sound. Leeli’s face scrunched up and she gasped. She clenched her eyes. Janner reached over and squeezed her hand. Leeli clutched his hand in an effort not to scream.
“Leeli, your leg!” Sara cried. Leeli’s eyes flew open. Janner smiled at her. Leeli looked down at her leg and squealed. Across from them, Nia looked like she might weep. Artham had his hand on her shoulder, while Oskar spluttered and scribbled in his notebook.
On unsteady legs, Leeli rose. Her eyes were wide. She took a deep breath, lifted her newly restored foot, and took a step. A smile crossed the Song Maiden’s face. Leeli took another step. Then another. And another. Soon, she was laughing and dancing around the clearing.
With no hesitation, Sara leaped to her feet and joined Leeli. A moment later, Artham and Nia joined them as well. Oskar, who still spluttered, remained seated as he kept writing down the events that happened that day.
Janner watched what happened with a smile. Then, his gaze drifted to Kalmar, his younger brother, his charge, and his king. The one he had already died for, and he would readily do so again.
Something was wrong.
The young Throne Warden wondered how he hadn’t noticed the tightness in his brother’s expression, which was suddenly very clear. But what was it?
Janner carefully examined his brother while his heart thudded in his chest. He had to find out what it was. Kalmar seemed to get worse by the second.
Kalmar’s left foot barely touched the ground. That had to be it. Janner touched his brother’s shoulder. Kalmar didn’t react.
“Kalmar?” He hissed. “Kal, it’s going to be okay. You’ll be fine. I need you to take off your boot.” Janner swallowed hard. Then he waved a hand in front of his younger brother’s face.
Kalmar blinked. He stared at Janner, his eyes a mixture of pain and confusion. Janner’s heart broke. He reached over and took the laces of Kalmar’s boots. At that, Kalmar seemed to understand. He sat back and let his brother untie his boot. When Janner pulled it from his foot, Kalmar let out a small cry.
It was quiet, but attracted Artham’s attention nonetheless. Janner, Kalmar, and Artham would always be grateful that neither Sara, Nia, or Leeli noticed.
“What’s happening?” He knelt between Janner and Kalmar and watched with concern. “Kalmar, what’s the matter?” Kalmar stared at his uncle, his face filled with pain
Janner slowly let out his breath. His eyes were wide and he stared at his brother’s socked foot. It was soaked with blood.
Every thought emptied from Janner’s mind. He could only think that his brother was hurt. Before he knew what happened, Janner had removed the bloody sock and let a drop fall on the gash that marred his brother’s foot.
Several agonizingly long moments later, Kalmar’s eyes cleared. He blinked. Kalmar stared at Janner and Artham. Then, Janner’s hands were gripping his shoulders.
“Kalmar, never do that again! When you’re hurt, tell me! Or anyone else!” He hissed. Kalmar looked shaken.
“I’m sorry,” He whispered. “I…I didn’t want anyone to worry.” Kalmar looked away. Janner’s expression softened. Artham spoke up quietly.
“Your father was the same way,” He said. Both boys looked up. “He hated attention-hated that people worried about him.”
“I get that,” Kalmar mumbled. He pulled his sock and boot back on. Janner sighed and sat back, a thoughtful look on his face.
“If someone worries about you, it’s because they care.” He whispered. Kalmar stared at his boot. Artham sighed softly.
“Your brother’s right,” He said gently. After a moment, he stood. “I’ll let you two have some time.” Then, Artham rejoined the others in their celebration. With a heave and a grunt, Janner got to his feet on unsteady legs. Kalmar stood up.
“Over here,” Janner gestured to the far side of the clearing. The brothers walked over and leaned against a tree. Then, they shared an awkward silence during which Kalmar stared at the ground and Janner fidgeted with his hands.
After several moments that were so excruciatingly long that it seemed the brothers had time to ponder their life choices, Kalmar took in a particularly deep breath. Then, he spoke in a soft, timid voice.
“What was it like? Being with…Him?” He whispered. Janner let out the air he didn’t know he’d been holding. He smiled.
“It was…” Janner paused. He tilted his head to one side and chuckled softly. “It was wonderful. I-I never met Him. But I felt His Presence. I’ll never forget how it felt being there.” Kalmar nodded slowly. Janner looked down. “I wish I could describe it better for you. I…I just can’t think of the words,”
Janner remembered talking with his brother on the ship back to the Green Hollows. Then, he hadn’t truly known what Kalmar meant. Now, he did.
“I know what you mean,” Kalmar said quietly. After he spoke, the brothers lapsed into silence again. This time, the silence wasn’t awkward, but comfortable. Janner and Kalmar leaned closer together, silently watching their family.
“Come on!” Leeli cried. “I want to race you!” She grabbed her brothers’ hands and pulled. Janner and Kalmar smiled and allowed her to pull them away from the tree. Then, the four children raced around and around the clearing.
Some time later, the four children had collapsed in a pile on the ground. Nia and Artham stood nearby and smiled.
“Get up, children,” Nia said. “We’d best get going.” Janner sat up. He nodded. Kalmar, Leeli, and Sara sat up as well.
“Yes, we need to get to Clovenfast,” Janner said. His voice held an authority that had not been there days before. The others seemed surprised. Oskar seemed to understand that they were leaving and gathered up his things before he heaved himself to his feet.
“Why is that?” Artham asked. Janner held his gaze for a moment before he replied in a quiet voice.
“There’s…something that needs to be done. You will see in time,” Janner stood up. He helped Kalmar and Leeli up. His cheeks colored as he offered a hand to Sara. Sara blushed and let Janner help her stand.
“Let’s go,” Artham gestured to the woods around them. The Wingfeathers and company set out into the Blackwood. Kalmar and Janner led them, Leeli and Sara directly behind. After the girls, Oskar came, and last came Nia and Artham, who talked quietly.
After three hours of walking, they came to Clovenfast. Except Janner, all froze when they heard a rich voice singing. Of all of them, Nia and Artham seemed to be the most surprised. Both seemed near tears. Kalmar, Leeli, Sara, and Oskar wondered who it was. Janner simply smiled and led them onward.
Did I make Oskar say nothing because I didn't want to invent a quote? ...Maybe...
Please let me know if there's anything noncanonical or if you have any feedback!
I can't remember, what happened to Kalmar's foot???