Here we are! A purely happy chapter…..mostly 🥲
It is now seventh moon, and being that they moved to Glipwood in third moon, a considerable amount of time has passed. Emerald turned nine in fourth moon, and her birthday celebration was short and sweet, receiving a letter from her grandmother, and a few odds and ends of presents that she enjoyed and cherished.
Esben was still ten, but his life was filled with adventures with Artham. They explored in Glipwood forest, knowing it would be perfectly safe because of the Rangers up and about the forest. They also made plans to build a treehouse at some point, and Esben was delighted. A place where just him and his brother could be? That sounded absolutely lovely.
Artham, on the other hand, was having a harder time at it because of the difficulty he had with sleeping. Without his mother’s kiss that he had grown so reliant on, sleep was impossible. Though, he usually just tired himself out in the day that he would only toss and turn for a few hours before exhaustion finally kicked in and he was able to sleep….for a bit anyways. On a more positive note, Danniby and him would often run errands in Danniby’s carriage, and Artham grew to love that old carriage as much as Danniby loved it.
Another thing the children all enjoyed doing was exploring the Glipwood Township. They made good friends with the Shoosters, and even Miss Ferrinia at the flower shop.
And the Helmers were of course very kind to them.
Another fast friend they had was Danniby. He came very often from Lamendron to help the Helmers, but everyone knew he was really there to see Miss Illia. And he was always very kind to the children, so they didn’t mind so much that he was sweet on their aunt.
One evening, after the chores and the day were done, they, the Wingfeathers, Helmers, and Danniby, were all seated for dinner.
“I can’t believe that festival is a’ready tumorra!” Yamsa exclaimed with a smile at the kids.
“What festival?” Esben asked.
Yamsa smiled. “The Dragon Day festival o’ course! A fun time it can be. Most enjoyable. I think we should all go and make a day of it! What do you say, Miss Illia?”
Illia looked at the children. “What do you three think? Would you like to go?”
They all three nodded, Esben and Emerald most enthusiastically.
“Well then, that settles it!” Illia said with a smile. “We’ll be going next week.”
The next week came, and Artham and his siblings were getting ready. Illia was brushing out Emerald’s long curls, and Danniby called for the boys to come down and get in the wagon.
Edd was already there, and Danniby was sitting in the front seat. The boys scrambled in the back, and soon Yamsa appeared with a picnic basket under her arm. Artham helped her in the cart, and she thanked him with a kiss on his cheek.
“I brought us some food, just in case we get ‘ungry when at Dunn’s Green.”
Then Illia came with Emerald, and Emerald jumped in the back of the wagon. Illia sat beside Danniby, and then the thirty minute drive began.
The children enjoyed it as they always did the walks or rides in to the Township, and laughter filled their ears on this day. Their eyes widened when they saw all of the people, the rough folks of Dugtown, the primped and proper ones of Torrborro, and the rather normal people of Lamendron.
Danniby pulled the cart up to the entrance to town, and the children jumped down. Then the Helmers got down, and Danniby helped Illia down.
The whole air smelled sweet and fresh. “You kids go get some sweets from Joe,” Edd said with a smile, as he slipped a handful coins into Artham’s hand.
Artham looked at his aunt with a curious look, and Illia hesitated, but nodded. Artham thanked her, and him and his siblings ran off.
Danniby placed a hand on Illia’s shoulder. “Don’t wurry, mum. They’ll be fine. Try ta enjoy yerself as well.”
Illia nodded, but still watched her kids from a distance.
meanwhile, the children were having a grand time. They got blueberry gooey balls, plum-yum fluffins, and many other delicious treats. They then noticed the Menagerie Master, and were dazzled with the baby bombnubbles, dragonmoles, and the teeny thwaps….especially Esben.
Then they wandered to a small book store, called Books and Things, and met the owner, a Mister Oskar Noss Reteep. He dazzled them with stories about how he had traveled across the globe to get all of his books. Though he was a bit strange, because he kept quoting random authors, and Artham didn’t think half of them actually existed. Then he gave them each a book: Artham a book about the mysterious half-lings, Esben a book about drawing, and Emerald a pop-up book with dragons.
Then they met the somewhat annoying Blaggus boy, and they were more than grateful when Danniby called them to Dunn’s Green. They watched the games for awhile, but Artham read his book more.
“You kids excited for the dragons?” Edd asked.
Artham looked up curiously. “Dragons?”
“Of course,” Yamsa said. “They’re going to sing to us.”
Just then, a signal noise was given, and an excitement pulsed through the crowd. The children were whisked away to the cliff side, Emerald snuggling up against Illia, the boys sitting next to Danniby, and the Helmers next to them.
Then a swishing sound came, and the children all looked towards the sea. Big, beautiful, magnificent creatures.
“The dragons,” Artham whispered. Their song was beautiful, and hopeful, but heart crushingly sad. All three of the children’s heartstrings were pulled at.
Emerald listened in a breathless anticipation and dread. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and her whole heart moved with the song.
Esben was quiet, as he watched the dragon, but he felt as though he was seeing something….a vision. It danced before his eyes….a castle..his castle..burning. It scared him, and made him scoot closer to Artham.
But Artham was listening to the voices of the dragons. He could understand what they were singing about, and it fascinated him. Now dear reader, please understand that even I do not know what the dragons sang, because I am not a Throne Warden. But it was very important, and it sent fear coursing through his body….fear but wonder.
When the dragons stopped singing, Artham quickly wiped his eyes, which were watery, and looked at his sister, who was fully crying, while Illia held her close. She looked at Artham. And then smiled slightly, but Artham turned his head away.
The next day the children were very distracted while they did their THAGS. And when Artham went outside to train with his aunt on the sword, he barely paid attention. Illia asked him a question about how he felt, which he murmured a quick ‘fine’ to, but Illia knew better. She knew the dragon song had done something to each of them….and it worried her.
I know I kinda did the Wingfeather show in reverse for the kiddos. But, I thought it would be interesting and fun! 🤩
I hope you liked it!
I did! Great job, Arthra!