A lovely, happy chapter…..at first.
It was the tenth month. Artham had turned fourteen in the beginning of it, and now it was the middle of the month.
They had traveled to the outskirts of Dugtown to have a little ceremony. They would have it in a little abandoned factory, turned Gathering*.
It was a crisp autumnal day. Our Jewels of Anniera were dressed in their finest, as they walked out of the Helmer Cottage to the lovely back garden. Esben was given the wedding bands, Emerald a basket of flowers, and Artham the bride’s arm.
The Shoosters, Ferrinia, and the Helmers were in attendance to the wedding. Edd offered to perform the ceremony, so he was standing in front of everyone under a flower arch. Danniby was standing in front of him, looking at Illia who was standing at the back of the crowd, her arm slipped in Artham’s, her face rosy.
Ferrinia then stood up, and began singing in her sweet voice the typical wedding song:
The bride is coming with rosy cheek,
The groom is here well pleased.
Oh join me in the singin’ now!
To wish them life and peace!
Oh Maker guide them on their way,
Give them good life and peace.
Oh Maker keep them on their way,
Give them good life and peace!
Emerald went down the aisle as Ferrinia sang, casting beautiful flower petals all around her. While Ferrinia repeated the last four lines of the song, Artham walked his aunt down the aisle, Illia beaming with happiness.
When she slipped her arm out of Artham’s, kissing his cheek fondly, and slipped her hands confidently in Danniby’s, Esben came forward with the two golden wedding bands.
Danniby put on Illia’s band and Illia put on his. Then Edd began the ceremony as the children sat down.
The couple flew through their vows very quickly, more than pleased to bind themselves to each other, and when they kissed and the crowd cheered, their happy fate was sealed…though Esben did feel a bit nauseous.
That evening, as Illia and Danniby sat together outside, Artham wrote to Arundelle about the wedding, which he was teased for by Esben.
“You know, I bet you and Arundelle will be the next people I know to get married.”
Artham shot him a look. “I highly doubt that.”
Esben grinned. “I don’t.”
Emerald smiled at her brothers. “I thought today was wonderful. Didn’t you?”
Esben lazed back on the couch. “It was fine for a weddin’.”
Artham rolled his eyes. “I thought it was very nice.”
“You would,” Esben said with a smirk. The next moment he was promptly tackled to the ground and the three of them engaged in a very heated (but friendly) pillow fight.
They all went to bed perfectly content. Everything was right in the world.
Eleven months later……
Dear Arundelle,
I know I just wrote to you the other day, but I’m afraid something terrible has happened. Auntie Illia has been sick for a while, but she’s been trying to hide it. It got worse around Em’s birthday. We all started getting worried. Around Esben’s birthday, though, she started getting better, so I didn’t think to say anything. But she took a turn for the worse out of nowhere, and she died last week….the day Uncle Danniby proposed. Her funeral was yesterday, and I just now got a little bit of time to slip away and write this to you. My uncle is absolutely heartbroken. He hasn’t spoken to any one since she died. Esben and Emerald are okay, but it hit them pretty hard. Yamsa and Edd, the Helmers, are also upset. In fact, I think the while Glipwood Township misses my aunt. I miss her a lot too. Please send grandmother my love and try your best to comfort her. Also let her know that Danniby was left charge of us by Illia, and that he’s taking us to…well, I’ll just write you when I arrive there. So, don’t be alarmed if you don’t hear from me for a while. Also know that we won’t be coming home until I turn sixteen. That was what was decided at least. In about a year we should be home, but I’ll write again as soon as I can.
“Artham” came Danniby’s voice. Artham quickly wiped his tears, folded up his letter, and turned to face his uncle.
“It’s time to pack up, son. We leave fer the Hollows in a week. Send off that letter right quick.”
Artham sighed, and placed his head in his hands, and for a moment he let his tears flow. But just a moment. He could grieve later. Right now he needed to get packed up and help his siblings.
Yes, I know. I know. I’m sorry. But, Illia was…..😅
Well. I hope you liked it!
So if Danniby is going to the Hollows now, does that mean he's the same Danniby the Wingfeathers meet in The Monster in the Hollows?
blinks, hugs a chorkney 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
WHAT!!!!! ARTHRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!