Well, after a sad chapter, we have a…grieving chapter
Artham sighed softly, as his small family began singing the birthday song to him. He turned fifteen years old…on a boat.
He had said farewell to the Helmers about two weeks ago, and now he was ‘celebrating’ his birthday. Emerald gave him a little card and kissed his cheek fondly, Esben gave him some type of weird rock he found in Gliwood, and Danniby gave him a little bit of money. He had never heard back from Arundelle when he sent that fateful letter.
Everyone had on fake smiles, while on the insides their hearts were breaking.
“I made you a desert,” Emerald said smiling.
Artham smiled back. “Well, that was nice of you. Thank you.”
Emerald smiled, and then she disappeared into the kitchen.
“How does it feel to be fifteen Arth?” Esben asked, staring at his hands.
“The same. You’re just getting older I guess.”
Danniby sighed as he looked at the boy. “I’m sure sorry it has ta be this way.”
“Please don’t be. We’ll be…..somewhere soon.”
Artham couldn’t call it home. And the fact that they would pass his home made their cruel fate worse. He was tired. He was relying on the Maker. He couldn’t take much more of this.
‘But I have to,’ he thought to himself.
Emerald then reappeared with a few muffins, and she placed one in front of all of them. Artham bit into his first, as was the custom, and he tried to appreciate it’s sweetness….but instead, he found it tasting sour. So many thoughts raced through his head. When they got to stay in the Hollows, would they stay with Danniby? Would they be safe? Their parents died here…
Artham dashed the thoughts out of his head, shoved another muffin in his mouth to absorbed his tears, and tried to look unconcerned.
This had to be the worst birthday ever.
In about another day or two, they were docked in the Hollish Watercraw. Then they were whisked off the ship, and Danniby rushed off to the Keep. Artham waited outside, a million thoughts pulsing through his mind.
He knew it was suspected his parent’s death was not…..accidental. And that the Keeper was still a bit of a suspect. And they were getting help from him. He was their mother’s cousin. Their family.
“Is he?” Artham whispered.
Danniby suddenly reappeared. “Alright, kiddos. You’re gonna stay with me. There’s an ‘ittle ‘ouse across from a nice family. We’ll be stayin’ there for the next year or so. Till yer gramma sends word fer ya.”
Danniby looked at the kids, and he now wore that tired look their aunt used to. But then he forced a smile to cross his lips….like their aunt used to.
Then he hailed a cart, and their fifteen minute trek began. The country side was pretty, but it held a gloom outlook for Artham. He couldn’t, at this moment, feel like this place could be home. Glipwood was fresh, and it had no memories, recollections, or associations. This place had it all. He had been here before with his parents. And he associated it with….his pain.
He sighed heavily, and decided his feet were more interesting than the landscape.
When they arrived at their new abode, they found that it was not near as big or pleasant as the old Helmer Cottage. When they went inside, they found that it only had two bedrooms.
Danniby said he would sleep on the couch, Artham and Esben would share a room, and Emerald would have the small little one to herself.
That night passed by rather roughly for everyone. Everyone was still tired in the morning.
the children were eating breakfast that day, when there was a prompt knocking at their door. Danniby got up to answer it, and he saw a pleasant little lady with a pretty young teenage girl beside her.
“Hello there,” the woman said, “my name is Wendolyn Helmer, and this is my daughter Nia. We live across from you, in the big house. It’s called Chimney Hill. We brought you some muffins.”
At that she extended forth a basket, filled with muffins.
Danniby smiled, and cordially accepted the basket and asked them in.
Wendolyn politely entered, and more pleasantries were exchanged as Danniby led them into the kitchen.
Artham and his siblings were more than thrilled to have the muffins, and said so immediately.
Wendolyn and Danniby chatted across the room, while Nia settled in beside Emerald and started talking with her.
Artham watched her curiously. He wasn’t exactly staring at her, but he kept looking at her.
Then Nia looked back at him. “What’s your name?”
“Artham Wi-hmm-Greensmith.”
Nia raised her brows at him, and Artham broke eye contact.
He felt a bit of tension with Nia as the time went on. But he noticed something far more disturbing.
Esben was eyeing her, with a flushed face and bright eyes.
‘Oh great,’ Artham thought to himself, ‘Esben likes her.’
He now really couldn’t wait for them to leave. Finally, Wendolyn and Nia left, much to Artham’s relief.
But after they left, another visitor came. The Keeper. Horus ban Yorna.
He entered in, smiling briefly at the children, and then asking a personal interview with Danniby. Danniby welcomed him into the kitchen.
Esben and Emerald went upstairs. Artham sat in the living room, watching the kitchen door with a fixed and somewhat angry eye.
it was a reminder of what was, and more, what might have been. He might be safe at home. All of the might be. He did blame the Keeper in his heart.
He could have used more safety precautions. He could have…he could have…
He sighed. “Maker, it’s your will.”
He followed his brother upstairs, and a measure of grief filled his heart. He tried to swallow it, and put on a false cheery face as he entered his brother’s room. He had to figure out a way to forgive the Keeper. He just had to.
So, we’ve met Nia! ^^
If that’s good lol.
And Wendolyn, which is a more happy character at the moment lol
The rest of the story is pretty much spent in the Hollows, so I hope you’ll enjoy it!!
Great job, Arthra!