Previous chapter:
An Ancient Alliance
By the time the sun was sinking and the moon was easing its way groggily into the sky, the Wingfeathers and Oskar had reached the edge of the Blackwood, which didn’t seem so dark anymore with all of its fresh new leaves sighing in the evening breeze and the multicolored flowers peeking out shyly from behind the gnarled and ancient tree roots. As the company once again began to make arrangements for the night, it appeared as if a shard of the sunset had refused to fade and was swooping down to greet them. A gust of air rustled the tent canvas like a ship’s sails in a favorable wind as Hulwen landed lightly and shook her wings into place. The other dragons followed close behind.
I see the young throne warden has returned, the ruby dragon’s voice echoed in Janner and Artham’s heads as she surveyed the group with her fathoms-deep eyes shining. Thank you for living what my father long forgot- that mercy is better than vengeance.
Janner was at a loss for words. He still couldn’t quite get over the fact that these ancient and wise creatures would talk to him, and now their queen was thanking him? “It- it wasn’t really my idea, it was the Maker’s. He told Kalmar that He would give the Fangs and cloven a second chance.”
And you all obeyed, did you not? I too seek to obey- tell the High King that I intend to officially renew our rightful alliance with Anyara when we return to the Shining Isle.
Janner did, and Kalmar’s eyes widened. He stood up straighter and the kingly air about him became more evident. “I am honored by your offer. Thank you, Hulwen Queen of the Dragons.”
I and my kin are also honored by this arrangement, your majesty. You need not bow your head. We are on equal footing, Hulwen replied through Janner, the corners of her mouth turning up in a warm smile.
While the High King and the dragon conversed, Oskar was trying to prepare dinner. But he was becoming very distracted by what was going on. He removed his glasses and wiped at his eyes.
“Ah, I can hardly believe it. In the words of Eerk Flobscobble, ‘here I stand, making dinner, while an ancient and legendary and historical alliance is being renewed!’ He sighed with happiness, and then fell into a coughing fit as he breathed in the smoke of the fish that was burning in his pan. After Oskar dumped the hopelessly charred fish into the fire, the blue dragon patiently held out a new fish for him. “Many thanks, many thanks my sapphire friend,” he muttered, taking it.

An hour and two scorched fish later, the group sat around the campfire, surrounded by the sea dragons. The stars had emerged, and twinkled in the sky like so many precious stones. Nia and Artham wondered how Arundelle was doing, Leeli wondered if she could invite Thorn over to see Anniera sometime, Oskar could barely contain his excitement to show Janner the rest of the books he had set aside for him, Janner speculated a bit self-consciously about how people would react to seeing him walking around, and Kalmar worried about how he would inevitably have to step into the role of a king when he did not feel worthy or wise enough.
Next chapter! Hope in Deep Waters (an AtE story) Ch 20 | The Thwap House
poor fish😭
That is just the sort of thing Oskar would love to witness!!! And that's such a beautiful illustration!
I love the peek into their thoughts at the end! Poor Kalmar has the most stressful thoughts!