This is riddled with a couple….fails lol.

So this first one Arundelle when she’s younger. I imagine she would be looking at Artham with that look! 🥰

Here’s Leeli when she gets a little older….with a really REAL looking puppy in her arms 😂
isnt AI great with that stuff? lol

Okay….this one was the bane of my existence…so many attempts…so many fails….so many Superman looking ones…so many Henry Ian Cusick looking ones……so many Keanu Reeves looking ones…..till I got this…which looks somewhat Artham-y…lol.

Ahh! Some failed Podo’s!

A failed Esben!

Here’s Wendolyn….she looks nice 👍

Here is a visual for Emerald!!!!

Another Esben fail….I put wispy hair…and this happened 😑

an Arthra collage! The black dress is teen, and the braids are little kid.

this was how detailed I got with Artham…..😂

Here’s Kal IRL. I think it turned out nice.

This is Arthra’s dog, PRINCE!!!
Okay that’s it!
Feedback would be appreciated 😂
I love these! Yay!
Um also, Emerald is like the Song Maiden before Leeli, correct? And Amarah is Artham/Arundelle's kid? Is Arthra a nickname or just a different person? I'm confused. Discombobulated.