Huzzah! We have reached the final clarification post! For this story, at least lol.
Okay, so, since it’s been a while since I wrote a chapter, a lot of things have happened! (And since writers block is ever persistent, this was necessary)
Janner and Arthra have left the infirmary and are headed to Throg, and Janner still doesn’t recognize her. She can still see shadows and stuff, but not clear faces.
Esben has been separated from his family, and they have been thrown in separate cells. Esben is with Artham, and everyone else is together in another cell.
Kalmar arrived in Throg…but is in the cell with his mom.
Arthra’s prayer has been answered! Anniera has started to heal, and Artham (okay, he was the cause of my writers block. So, let’s just say what happened to Esben happened to Artham) has been restored!
Yeah, writers block is no fun. ANYWAY—
The next chapter should be out soon!
confetti cannons fire YAY!!!!!!!