well, here we are! At long last, the writer’s block is (mostly) gone, and this next chapter I present to you!
Arthra tied her horse to a tree, and she pulled the knot tight. Though she couldn’t see clearly, she didn’t need her eyes to tie a knot.
She pulled out two small daggers and handed one to Janner.
“Just for safety. To get your brother out of here will be no light task.”
Janner sighed. “I understand. I’ll do anything to keep him safe.”
Arthra smiled a little, and put her hand on his shoulder. “I know. Now let’s go. And keep your eyes and ears alert.”
Janner looked forward and saw the formidable castle of Throg, and gulped.
Nia looked at her sleeping children, including Sara. Only her, Oskar, and Podo were awake. She leaned her head on Podo’s chest.
“Papa, how will we get out of here? How did Kalmar get here?”
Kalmar had been too tired to explain, so Nia had sung an old Hollish melody and the children had dropped asleep.
“Somehow, someway, to both of yer questions.”
Oskar smiled. “In the words of Bustus the Grump, ‘Most things that happen don’t have proper explanations, only miraculous results.’”
Nia smiled slightly. Then she frowned. “The separation from Esben was not a miraculous result. I’ve lost him….three times.”
Podo nodded sympathetically.
“You’re done losing me now,” a voice whispered.
Nia sat up straighter. “Esben?”
His head, with his shaggy blond hair, and a mischievous grin upon his face, appeared in the dim light.
“But-but, how?” Nia asked, jumping up and rushing to the cell.
Esben smiled. “When you have a brother who’s unlocked dozens of cells in his time, you get out.”
Then Artham appeared, slightly annoyed.
“Trust me, half of that dozen was unlocking you out of the Annieran dungeons when you locked yourself in.”
Esben grinned sheepishly, and Artham started fussing with the lock.
The noise awoke the children, and to try to depict Kalmar’s shock and pleasure upon seeing his father, words cannot describe.
Artham had the cell open in seconds, and Kalmar dove into his father’s arms.
“We need to move,” Artham said after a moment.
He extended his arm and got Sara out and behind him, and then he picked up Leeli, who was very pleased to see her uncle.
Podo looked at Artham with a strange expression, but Artham took no notice. He was far too busy making sure they were all there, and that no Wanderer popped out of nowhere.
“Follow me,” Artham whispered. He started down the long hallway of cells, and one thing was made clear in that moment.
Artham was in charge. And that made sense, he was the Throne Warden of course.
Arthra was now in the main corridor, her mask and hood drawn up. She looked at Janner. “Stay by my side no matter what.”
Then she made for the large door at the back of the corridor. She opened it, and walked through quietly, Janner at her heels.
Suddenly, she heard footsteps. She held up a hand, and Janner froze.
They got closer and closer, and Arthra began to raise her dagger. Who could it be?
Then a little girl appeared, with long brown hair in a braid, deep brown eyes, and a light blue dress, but with no shoes upon her feet.
Seeing Arthra made her jump slightly, but then she quickly relaxed.
“Who are you?” Arthra questioned.
“That’s not important right now. I suppose you are looking for the Wingfeathers?”
Arthra didn’t move, but a slight twitch in her eyes made her purpose obvious.
“Good, follow me,” Gayla said.
She turned and started walking, and Arthra, after a glance at Janner who nodded, they followed Gayla.
Let me know if anyting seemed weird or choppy. And here is a canva image of my interpretation of Gayla!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
And Esben, why . . . are you foolish enough to lock yourself in a dungeon cell SIX TIMES!?!?!?!?!?