Yesterday, we found the TV series on DVD at the Hobby Lobby, and today were pretty much snowed in, so we decided to watch it... This is our first time seeing the last three episodes!
Anyways, our subtitles misfunctioned and they basically spoiled the entire episode for my dad, who never read the books 🤣🤣

-Fleck 😉
😱 You haven't watch them before?
Welcome back, Fleck!
WELCOME BACK TO THE LAND OF THE THWAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fleck! You're back! And that's so sad! LOL!
Cool!! And welcome back! 😄
One, you live!!!!!! Welcome back!
Two, you only just now saw the last three episodes?! 😱😱😱 After almost a whole year?!
Sounds cool!
The dvd is pretty neat, isn't it? I got it for Christmas and rewatched the series over vacation.
I haven't personally seen the DVD at hobbly lobby, but I have seen OtEotDSD there. I bet the malfunctioning subtitles were funny sometimes though 😂
🤣🤣 I was wonder when it had said that!🤣
Yay you finished it!!!! ALSO HI I MISS YOU!!!!!!
Welcome back. You haven't been on for a while. You just finished the series now? At least it will be fresher in your memory when season two comes out.
Your first time seeing them? Exciting!!!
These are Annieran jewels, indeed!