What the title said 👆
Recently on YouTube, the official Wingfeather Saga channel responded to a fan who said they couldn't afford the Angel Guild to watch Season Two. This is what they said:

This explains SO much.
I don't know why they didn't tell us this before. It would've saved a lot of disagreements and arguments between fans. I, for one, know that if the livestream last month said THAT, I wouldn't have complained or been upset.
They need our support, guys. Season Three's production has been put on hold. You know what that means, right? We won't get to see the Ice Prairies, Kal as a Grey Fang, Artham and his wings, or Podo's secret past for YEARS. Not just one year like it was supposed to be. Multiple YEARS.
Do you want to wait that long?
I sure don't.
I know that this new way of doing things isn't what they originally promised.
It hurts.
I get it.
I keep seeing people talk about how amazing the first episode is, and it hurts me that I can't watch it.
But I'd rather go through that pain then there be no show at all.
They need our support.
If you can afford the Guild, go do it.
If you can buy merch, do that, too.
If you don't have the money to do either, that's okay.
Just go spread the word.
Tell your friends.
Tell your family.
Tell people at your church
Tell anyone you meet.
Lend them the books.
Show them Season One.
Whatever you do, in whatever way works best for you and your family, just don't let it be years before we get Season Three.
This show is crowdfunded. Paid for by the fans. That includes you. And me. If we don't keep this show going, then no one will. Don't forget that.
That makes a lot of sense! Thanks for showing us that Kal!
Thanks for sharing! Ever since they released that announcement, I was wondering what was actually going on. Considering how eager Chris and Andrew are on the livestreams to share parts of the show, it seemed odd that they would delay it like that unless they really had to. Even though I have access to season 2 because invested in season 1, it does dampen my excitement knowing that a lot of other people can't see it for months.
Earlier on, I wondered if it might have been a decision made by Angel Studios, not Wingfeather, but in any case I really appreciate it that they explained it! I wonder why they didn't say it before, because I know that fans would have understood and it would have caused less confusion.
I still kind of have a troubled feeling about Angel Studios, and I'm not sure why. But I totally agree that we should give the Wingfeather team our support. It sounds like the show is in trouble, and they need the full support of their fans! I trust Chris Wall and Andrew Peterson. As long as the Wingfeather guild subscription profits the Wingfeather project specifically (which it does), I'm eager to support them in that way if possible.
Me and my family tried but it wouldn't work for us.
It didn't bother me so much that they were asking to pay so much as it was that they weren't explaining why we had to pay this time and not last time. I'm glad that they are clarifying.
I've suspected for a while (since a day or two after they announced the release for guild members only) that this was an Angel Studios decision, not a Wingfeather team decision. I don't have any proof of this, but I still think it's likely. The way it's being released, with information constantly changing last minute with no apologies at all, is a mess. Trust is being broken with the fans. However, the show itself IS amazing! Hopefully this new strategy fixes the funding problem and they can finish making the show faster!!! Maybe I need to babysit more so that I can pay it forward and buy more merch - I've been really wanting that Oskar Quote Book for a while! 😉
Thanks for posting this, Kal!
I think I've heard bits and pieces of this explanation before, but not laid out mos straightforwardly. I agree, it would have been good if they had just said it like this in the first place, as it would have prevented a lot of confusion!
I want to be an investor so bad, but it isn't open at present and I shouldn't spend that much money right now.
I bought a shirt yesterday though! :)
And I've been having friends over to see the show (this is a really fun way to spread the word. Offer them gummy worms and popcorn and you'll be set)
I'm also thinking of using the proceeds from one of the items on my etsy shop to pay it forward for people... Do you think that's ok?
Yes sir! *scurries off to buy toothy cow stuff*
That makes a lot of sense. I do wish they would have told us, because I would have been a lot less confused. I'm so glad they told us the reason why it's not out yet. Wasn't it scheduled for January 2024 once? I wish that had happened but now I see why it's not.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I suspected that was the real reason why they introduced the idea of guild membership, and I'm very appreciative that the production team for coming out and saying it. I agree that simply explaining that in the first place would have saved a lot of everything over the past few weeks.
Unfortunately I don't know that many WFS fans in person and those I've tried to make have been unsuccessful attempts. But I will be sharing this information with those I do know as well as my parents, and hopefully I persuade some people to pay it forward.