It's in the title. So, I thought I could post what I had made up for the second generation of WFS kids........
of course, none of this is set in stone, I'm just sharing what I had imagined Janner, Kalmar and Leeli's kids to be like...... I'm starting with Janner kids first and if you guys want to read about the rest of them then I'll post Kal nd Leeli's kids as well.
Demian Wingfeather.
Birth order: First born.
T.H.A.G.S: Word
Parents: Janner and Sara.
Siblings: Calson and Bellanor.
Cousins: Idalynn, Orindella, Galden, Fawna, and Farrow
Age: 12
Favorite Color: gray blue.
Personality: being the oldest of the second generation, Demian is, in a lot of ways, removed from the activities of his younger cousins/ siblings. With that, he is reclusive and prefers not to play "childish games" and thinks he is practically an adult. He holds himself with high respect and thinks, he is totally mature. But he is reliable and independent and can handle serious matters with Intellect and dignity. He can hold his own in any debate and he is firm in what he believes with a passion.
Best friend: Uncle Artham (He wouldn't admit it, but he really likes to hangout with Idalynn)
Loves: Being included in serious conversations, Books, Writing, Sword Fighting, Logic, his book bag, Being given responsibility, Being taken seriously, check lists, empty notebooks, libraries.
Appearance: Demian is tall and lean and fit for battle, having been well trained by Uncle Artham and his own Father. He has dark brown, curly hair, sharp gray eyes and a Firm jawline. He dresses neatly in dark blues and grays. He always has a book bag on one side and a sword on the other.
Calson Wingfeather (Cal)
Birth order: Second born.
T.H.A.G.S: form
Parents: Janner and Sara.
Siblings: Demian and Bellanor
Cousins: Idalynn, Orindella, Galden, Fawna, and Farrow
Age: 10
Favorite color: Green
Personality: Calson is basically Kalmar 2.0 (a typical second born). He is adventurous and has high energy. He is the ringleader of all the mischief that happens around the castle. He also has a light hearted sense of humor that could make anyone laugh and lightens the mood in tense situations. He is very smart and strategic, he always has a plan and can think on his feet if needed. He is has the biggest appetite in Anniera.
Best friend: Idalynn Wingfeather
Loves: a well planned prank, Climbing trees, any kind of food/ form of food, sailing, Play with Idalynn, good drawing pencils, archry, sea dragons, Uncle Kal, anything adventurous.
Appearance: Calson is almost as tall as Demian (much to Demians chagrin) with sandy brown hair and blue green eyes. He has a giggly mischievous, toothless smile (he always seems to be losing his baby teeth), as if he is about to pull off some prank or Escapade. His mother dresses him in play clothes most of the time, because she knows he is likely to get his nice clothes dirty. and he carries his small sketchbook in his backpocket.
Bellanor Wingfeather (Bella)
Birth Order: youngest.
T.H.A.G.S: Song
Parents: Janner and Sara
Siblings: Demian and Calson.
Cousins: Idalynn, Orindella, Galden, Fawna, and Farrow
Age: 8
Favorite Color: Sky Blue
Personality: Bella is quiet and sweet (she takes after Sara in looks and demeanor.) She is a good listener and very observant. She is neat and well organized and conducts herself with naturally, good behavior. But she is easily frightened and second guesses herself in times of stress and chaos. She is emotional and sentimental. She is one to tag along with her cousins and Calson in the pranks and acts as their honest conscience and advises them to be more careful in their escapades.
Best friend: Orindellia Wingfeather
Loves: her Lyre, Her father, playing or talking with Orindellia, Sea Dragons, Flowers and Nature, Birds, Her Family, Aunt Arundelle.
Appearance: Bella is small and slim. She has a round face, rosey and freckled cheeks. Her eyes are big and blue and innocent. She has a heart-melting smile. Her hair is Chestnut brown and falls down to her shoulders in loose curls. Sara dresses her in pretty pastel, dresses and ties her brown curls back with bows.
what do y'all think? should I post Kal's kids next?