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Apr 25, 2023
In Creaturepedia
SHOULD WE TRUST THEM??? I think so. They're so CUTE and HARMLESS...right??
Apr 25, 2023
In Spoiler Fanfiction
CHAPTER ONE- The Wingfeather Family Arthedor, the 11 year old son of High King Kalmar Wingfeather, sat in a field and picked daisies. His plan was to make a bouquet out of them, give them to his mother with a sincere apology, and then, Bam! No more being grounded. He hoped. He heard soft feet approaching, then looked up to see Itzel, his 9 year old sister. Her dark hair waved in the wind, and her bright blue eyes shone with sympathy. "Hey, Arthie! I heard you got grounded," she said. Arthedor rolled his eyes at her. "Yeah, for helping you!" Itzel smiled. "Well, at least you were able to help me feed Kinckle," she said brightly. Arthedor sighed. "How am I supposed to explain that I was literally covering for you sneaking an entire meatloaf out of the kitchen for a stray cat?!" Itzel giggled. "Well, you won't need to anymore because Dad said I could adopt him." Arthedor's jaw dropped. "After all that trouble?!" Itzel plopped down next to him. "Yeah," she said nonchalantly. "Arthie! Itzel!" called a voice from the other side of the field. "Kids! Come inside! I dont' want you trottin' inside with wet clothes, there are dark clouds!" Arthedor and Itzel looked up and saw storm clouds brewing in the sky. They ran and crossed the field, the flowers forgotten. When they reached the castle, they entered through the kitchen door, past the gates. Maraly, Arthedor's mother, greeted them and rushed them inside just as rain started to pour. They passed the stone halls, one which had a huge painting of their great-grandfather, Podo Helmer. Kalmar had finished it not long after the war. In the painting he was weilding a sword, bravely battling fangs with his family behind him, Janner holding a lantern and his father's sword, while Nia shelterd Kalmar, and Leeli played her silver whistleharp. There was fire all around, but Podo still bravely felled Fangs with a family to protect. Itzel and Arthedor had been told many stories about their great-grandfather, and oftentimes wished they'd met him. Suddenly, round the corner, Liam came. He had a sword in his belt, and his golden hair flowed around his hair like a crown. He looked so similar to his father, Janner Wingfeather. For a boy of 17, he had a fighter's build. Arthedor's face lit up. "Hi, Liam!" he said, waving enthusiastically. Liam smiled and ruffled his hair as Arthie scowled. "What's up, Arthie? And where in the world is Itzel?" he asked comically. Itzel giggled. She was hiding behind Arthedor. Liam slowly reached behind, then swung his arm behind Arthie and dragged Itzel from behind. "There you are!" he cried. Itzel squealed and laughed as Liam picked her up in his arms. Maraly ruffled Liam's hair and carried on walking. Arthie followed, and Itzel dropped from Liam's arms and ran ahead of them. "Alright, Itzel, you run along and find your father. Arthedor, you're going to you room. You're still grounded, you know," Maraly chided. Arthedor groaned, but nodded. Itzel skipped through the halls of the castle, ad stopped by her room to check on her sleeping kitten. Kinckle was still fast asleep. Itzel petted him for a little bit, then got up and saw her father, High King Kallmar standing at the door of her room. "Hey, Itzel. Tonight we have to leave to the Green Hollows to go work on the Alliance. Liam and Aunt Sara will babysit you, alright?" he said. Itzel nodded. "Okay!" Kalmar smiled and hugged her tightly . "Be good, okay, pumpkin?" "I will, dad!" Kalmar smiled. "Thank you, Itzel." He walked out of the room and closed the door. CHAPTER TWO WARNING: contains mild fighting scenes Itzel was fast asleep under her covers. She snuggled her kitten, Kickle, who was also snoring. It was almost midnight outside, and the full moon shone brightly. It was a peaceful night, exept for the shadow lurking outside her window. Itzzel turned over in her sleep. Then suddenly there was a tapping noise outside her window. Then tapping turned to scratching. Itzel woke with the strange noise. She yawned and tride to shake off her sleepiness. She brushed her bedhead out of her eyes as she got out of bed to look outside her window. She held Kickle in her arms as she gazed outside. Suddenly her drooping eyes snapped open. She gasped, then screamed. ____________________________________________________________ Liam jerked out of bed. He wasn't sure if the scream he heard was in his dream or if it was... It sounded like Itzel. His instinct told him to go check it out. It was probably a dream, but he still wanted to go see Itzel asleep in her bed before he could rest again. He got up and out of bed. He hesitated, then decided to grab his sword. Just in case, he thought. He crept out and slipped through the castle halls like a shadow. Suddenly he heard another scream. He stood rigid, panic flowing though his veins. That was Arthie. He broke cover and ran all the way to Itzel's room. He burst in, and saw Itzel tied up and gagged, a Green Fang holding a crooked dagger to her throat. At his feet, Arthie was struggling from being tied up by a Grey Fang. Liam unsheathed his sword. He had thought all Fangs were gone. All of them. The Green Fang cackled. "Whaddaya think, boy? Yer littl' cousins being abducted, ey? Watcha goin' to do about et?!" The Grey Fang snarled, "Shut up, Neb! Get the rope and get out of here! I'll handle this one." Arthie struggled and Itzel silently started crying. Tears soaked her gag. Her eyes pleaded for Liam to help them. "Release them now!" Liam snarled. He advanced with is sword, ready to strike the Fangs. THe Green Fang held the dagger closer to ITzel's throat. "I wouldn't do that i I were you, boy." Liam felt helpless. Then the Green Fang suddenly scooped up Itzel and threw her out the window! Itzel wriggled and tried to scream, then it fells short. Liam gasped, then lunged at the Green Fang. The Grey Fang threw Arthie out the window as well. Liam squirmed to get to the window, and saw that Itzel and Arthie were on the backs of Bat Fangs! A rope hung outside the window. Then the Grey Fang pulled him back. Liam fought him with fireceness, and once his hand was free he lunged out the window to climb down the rope. By now, Itzel's gag had slipped free and she screamed, "Help me LIam!! Heeeeeelp! Tell the monsters to stoooop!" Tears streamed down her cheeks as she was swooped away by a Bat Fang. Arthie was desperately trying not to sob. He had heard his sister scream an dhad arrived at her door to find her being tied up. He rushed to save her, but the Fangs had caught him and tied him up too. He had to be brave for his little sister. Just until Liam could save them. He landed on the ground with Itzel. He spat his gag free. "Itzel?" he asked as his voice trembled. Itzel turned her tear stained face to him. Then two gruff men hoisted them off of the backs of the Bat Fangs. They were smelly, and their clothes were ragged and torn, but huge muscles rippled in their arms. As Arthie was lifted, he saw Liam shimmy down the rope, two Fangs following him. Then when Arthie was hoisted like a sack of totatoes on the man's back, he heard the sounds of struggles at the front of the castle. Guards were fighting Fangs! Liam finally hit the ground. He sprinted toward the two Stranders. He saw Arthie and Itzel over their shoulders. The two men saw Liam, and also started sprinting toward the dock. Adrenaline and anger fueled Liam's every leap. He was a stone throw away from the Stranders, and he leapt high into the air and landed on the back of the Strander carrying Itzel. He beat him to the ground, and took Itzel in his arms. The other Strander looked back in surprise, then came back with a snarl. The first Strander stood up again and punched Liam- hard. There was a sickening crunch as Liam's head jerked back and pain seared through his head. The Strander gruffly tore Itzel out of his arms and threw her to the other Strander. He took off with both kids. The first Strander stayed behind to make sure Liam didn't follow. He bared his teeth and growled, his fists clenched. Liam held his jaw. His nose was bleeding badly. But he stood up and reared his fist back, sending a blow to the Strander's stomach. He doubled over and Liam hicked his head. Liam gasped for air. But he still took off after Itzel and Arthie. He pushed his legs to go faster. He saw the Strander had reached the dock and was loading Itzel and Arthie on a small boat. "STOP!" shouted Liam. He mustered up his energy and boosted himself faster. The Strander quickly untied the boat, then shouted, "Oy! We're ready!" Then out of nowhere, the small boat launched forward. It sped through the waters faster than the slight breeze that night could have ever carried them. Liam scrambled to stop as he reached the dock, his lungs screaming for air and blood pouring down his face. "Arthedor! Itzel!" he called with fading strength and a breaking heart. Dismay washed over him. The heirs of Anneira were being kidnapped. the children. How would he tell his uncle that he was unable to stop this? Where was his mother? Had she heard thes creams ? He could not let this happen. He looked back and forth and saw another boat. He did not hesitate as he jumped on a furiously rowed after them. Itzel and Arthie had been thrown to the bottom of the boat. They had been handled roughly so much, they had bruises all over. Itzel managed to wriggle over next to her brother and she leaned against him and squeezed her eyes shut tightly. They were going abnormally fast. Liam wouldn't be able to get them if they were this fast! Arthie had the same thought and started rocking back and forth. Itzel go the idea and did it also. The boat rocked with the violent movement and the speed wavered a little. The man furiously turned to them. "Oy! Stop that!" But Itzel and Arthedor kept rocking back and forth. Waves splashed into the boat. Itzel tasted salty drops. The man sputtered as he was splashed in the face. The speeding had stopped suddenly, and the man was angrily shouting at them. Then he looked up with dismay on his face. Itzel tried to turn but she couldn't. All she heard was the splashing of rowing. It had worked! Liam was coming for them! Liam leapt onto the boat, and started to wrestle the man. Itzel cried upon seeing him take several blows. Arthie struggled to get untied. Then the man faced the children and put a bag over their heads. Itzel breathed in a sickly sweet smell, then everything went black.


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