Thwap Talk
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General Discussion
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5.2KIntroduce Yourself
This is the place for new members to introduce themselves.
129General Book Discussion
Books! Feel free to share your recent reads, or ask for recommendations! Christian books or books by Christian authors.
53Skills and Hobbies
Do you have an amazing talent or have you learned an awesome skill? Share them here! We might want to learn them, too!
92Wingfeather Saga Discussion
Here is where you can discuss about the books, the characters, etc. (many of these posts will have spoilers).
Three Honored and Great Subjects: Word, Form, and Song. Have you been doing your THAGS? Show us!
1.1KWord (Writer's Club)
This is where the writers in our community can post their stories, poetry, and essays.
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16Crafts and Creations
Here is where you can post all your recipes, crafts, art, and other projects inspired by the Wingfeather lore.
841Wingfeather Saga Memes
This is the place to post all of your memes inspired by the Wingfeather Saga.
240General Memes
This is where you can post memes to share with other members.
This is where you post your scrumptupulous recipes!
37Polls and Contests
Here is where you can post all your polls, games, and contests for the Thwap House Community.
436Collaborative Stories
This is where members can team up to create collaborative stories and roleplays.
88Wingfeather Saga Roleplay
This is a temporary category for Olluvan Hawkoon's Wingfeather Saga Roleplay.
55Fan Fiction
This is where you can post all of your Wingfeather Saga fan fiction/poems.
710Spoiler Fanfiction
Put your fanfiction that includes spoilers here.
447Fane of Fire
What has God been doing in your life?
62Prayer requests
Share your prayer requests here.
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185Forum Rules/Updates
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- General Memes@Mr. Banana [Freedom Ranger] @Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW] @Anaya Wingfeather (FF and FAR) @Ellie (FF) @Lili the Shakespeare Nerd (FF and FAR) @Batwhacker the Freedom Fighter @Fab (HS) @GentleNickel @Matt's Edge (FF) @Seth the MuffinMan (HS Captain) Please let me know what you think! Kay: Where's Wren? Mr. Banana: I put her in a round room and told her there are cookies in the corner. **raging scream in the background* Anaya: **waving frying pan while reading a book* Ellie: Anaya! Are you threatening a book?! Anaya: NO! I would never do that! I'm threatening the character. He's being stupid. Ellie: Oh . . . is he improving? Anaya: **sigh* Nope. If things don't change soon, I'm gonna have to upgrade to a sword. Lili: Guess who said this: "If we are true to ourselves, we can not be false to anyone." Mr. Banana: Oprah. Anaya: King Solomon? Kay: J. R. R. Tolkien! Lili: **disappointed, but not surprised* Kay: Fab, GentleNickle made dirt nuts so be supportive. GentleNickle: Hi guys! Wanna a dirt nut? :D Kay: **eats dirt nut, gags* Very interesting. Fab: **turns pale green* Like no other. GentleNickle: Great! I'll make more! :D **leaves* Fab: **spits out nut* Quick, get to the car! Matt: What's going on? Seth: Wren and Banana are having an argument. **argument gets louder, people start gathering* Kay: If this continues, we might as well set up seats and sell popcorn. Anaya: **though microphone* Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like Wren might have just won. Wait- WOW, a stunning counter from Banana. He still has a chance! Ouch! Nope, hammer trumps reason.
- General MemesLiz: Bonjor, me like would request to participate in this so called ‘quotes incorecct.’ Lili: Fix your grammar, first. Than I’ll consider. Liz: No. Lili: Do I need to steal my brother’s copy of Mark Twain? Liz: runs ** Somebody: I need you all to behave. Lili: grinning You’re gonna have to be more specific. Bats: nodding Define “behave.” Banana: holding a crowbar Yeah, because that’s open to interpretation. Liz: already climbing onto the table ** Arthra: Tell me why there’s a giant hole in the wall. Bats: We can explain. Lili: But you won’t like it. Liz: wiping soot off her face …Or believe it. ** Anaya: I’m confiscating anything even remotely dangerous. Lili: …Even my sword? Seth: My bombs? Banana: My will to cause chaos? Liz: My ability to make reckless decisions?? Anaya: deep sigh I need a raise. ** Non-Thwaphouser: This group is completely unhinged. Liz: Thank you. Bats: grinning We work hard for that reputation. Lili: nodding Blood, sweat, and chaos. Banana: maniacal laughter ** Wren: This is your last warning. Liz: Oh, good. I love collecting those. ** Arthra: Where is Liz? Bats: nervous laughter Um. Lili: That’s an interesting question. Banana: What’s important is why you’re asking. Liz: falls through ceiling Found me. ** Wren: suspicious Where have you all been? Bats: covered in dirt Nowhere. Lili: covered in soot Doing nothing. Banana: dripping wet Completely innocent. Liz: grinning with a bag of stolen loot …Want a cookie? ** Anaya: panicking WHY IS LIZ CHARGING AT US WITH A SPEAR?! Lili: laughing It’s for science. Bats: grinning And entertainment. Liz: yelling AND FOR GLORY. ** Spaghetti: You all are INSANE. Lili: Thank you. Bats: We try our best. Banana: grinning It’s a lifestyle. Liz: doing a backflip off a roof ** Anaya: WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! Liz: hanging upside down from a chandelier We have no idea. Bats: grinning But it’s fantastic. ** Anaya: Tell me you didn’t just set something on fire. Lili: I won’t lie to you, Anaya. Bats: grinning But I won’t tell the truth, either. Liz: holding a flamethrower …I could tell you. Banana: pointing behind them But I think you already know. ** Spaghetti: Why is there a goat in the kitchen? Liz: grinning …Next question. ** Anaya: panting WHERE DID YOU GET A CANNON?! Lili: grinning A better question is: WHY AREN’T YOU RUNNING? Liz: lighting the fuse FIRE IN THE HOLE!! ** Wren: There are TWO options. Lili: Bold of you to assume we’ll take either. Bats: nodding We’re about to invent a third. Liz: And it involves explosions. ** Spaghetti: What’s the plan?! Liz: Step one: Chaos. Bats: Step two: ??? Lili: Step three: Profit. Banana: Step four: RUN. ** Anaya: reading a warning sign …”DO NOT PRESS”? Lili: We must press it. Bats: It would be irresponsible not to. Liz: smirking We’re duty-bound to press it. Banana: presses it immediately WHOOPS. ** Spaghetti: I’M GOING TO LOSE MY MIND. Lili: Already lost ours. Bats: Don’t miss it. Liz: Wasn’t using it anyway. Wren: I sold mine for a snack. ** Anaya: WHO GAVE LIZ A TORCH?! Lili: …Would you believe she found it? Bats: …Or that it magically appeared in her hands? Banana: …Or that we accidentally handed it to her? Liz: maniacal laughter as she sets a curtain on fire ** Spaghetti: What’s the worst that could happen? Liz: grinning We could die. Bats: We could be arrested. Lili: We could start a revolution. Banana: nodding OR ALL THREE. ** Arthra: WHY IS THE FLOOR LAVA?! Liz: cackling BECAUSE I SAID SO. Bats: jumping across tables THIS IS AMAZING. Lili: skipping over the fire JUST GO WITH IT. Banana: using a shield as a sled WE RIDE AT DAWN. ** Wren: WHERE DID YOU EVEN FIND A FLAMETHROWER?! Lili: Online. Bats: Stole it. Banana: Borrowed it indefinitely. Liz: grinning Found it. ** Spaghetti: I THOUGHT YOU SAID WE WEREN’T GONNA START A WAR. Lili: I said we wouldn’t intentionally start one. Bats: grinning This is accidental. Liz: …But we’re committed now. ** Arthra: WHAT DID YOU DO?! Lili: innocently Nothing.Bats: smirking Yet. Liz: holding a match But we’re about to. Banana: EVERYONE BRACE YOURSELVES. ** Anaya: I WILL END THIS. Liz: laughing YOU CAN’T STOP WHAT YOU CAN’T CATCH. Bats: UNLEASH THE BEAST. Lili: flips table dramatically IT’S TOO LATE. Banana: CHAOS IS ALREADY HERE. ** Non-Thwaphouser: YOU ARE MENACES TO SOCIETY. Lili: grinning Thank you. Bats: We try our best. Liz: dramatic bow It’s a lifestyle. Banana: It’s a science. ** Arthra: staring at the burning wreckage What. Did. You. Do. Lili: grinning We existed. Bats: And flourished. Liz: And thrived. Banana: And conquered. ** Anaya: I am going to cry. Liz: grinning That makes two of us. Bats: smirking But mine are tears of victory. Lili: handing Anaya a cupcake Eat this and pretend everything’s fine. ** Wren: WHY IS THERE A DRAGON IN THE KITCHEN?! Liz: …He followed me home. Bats: …He adopted us. Lili: …He’s family now. Banana: grinning WE RIDE AT MIDNIGHT. ** Arthra: glaring I want you to make one responsible decision. Liz: thinking hard …I responsibly decided to make bad choices. Bats: nodding That counts, right? Lili: It’s a responsible commitment to chaos. ** Anaya: exhausted WHY are you like this?! Liz: grinning Born this way. Bats: Refined over time. Lili: Perfected through practice. Banana: Unstoppable now. ** Let me know if you want to be in the next one!
- General MemesKay: **standing in the rain* Ellie: **comes up to Wren who is watching her* ...What is she doing? Wren: Getting inspiration for her story from nature at its finest point. Or something like that I wasn't really paying attention to what she said.... Ellie: Oh. **awkward silence* Ellie: **pulls out her watch* It's 10:30 pm. Wanna help me dump a bucket of flour on her? Sleep police duty Wren: **grins and pulls out two bags of flour* Way ahead of ya Liz: Can I borrow a chorkney? Lili: BORROW??? They're not library books! Liz: Its just for experiment Lili: **clutching Henry* Over my dead body! Arthra: How do you always end up in these situations? Anaya: **hanging upsidedown from a chandalier* Talent Wren: Lili, I dare you to go one hour without talking to your chorkneys Lili: Impossible Gracie: One hour? Lili: Unlikely Spags: Five minuets? Lili: **already sweating* Kay: Um, why is there a sign outside that says "No Rules Today" ? Spags: I wanted to see what would happen Arthra: **concerned* what happened? Spags: ...well...Anaya and Banana decided to see if could convince Nickel to have a worm obstacle coarse....and uh they managed it....but they didn't mention to him that there would be a section where the worms had to avoid the birds...when one of them got eaten Nickel was furious and well- **is cut off by screams and things breaking from inside* Seth: Ellie, what would you do if i told you i rigged the toaster to explode? Ellie: I'd question your life choices Seth: And if i told you I didn't ? Ellie: I'd still question your life choices Seth: Says the one who has a giant wolf for a pet **Felda growls* Ellie: I have a giant wolf because you are constantly trying to destroy TTH! Seth: ...fair point... Spags: I feel like we should prepare for the worst Fab: You always say that Spags: its my motto Anaya: Does it come with a theme song? Spags: ...Maybe. I haven't figured it out yet Fab: Is it Eye of the Tiger? Spags: Honestly, it might be Wren: I read somewhere that chaos is just unplanned order Kay: That was deep Anaya: Yeah, deep enough to have a pool party Spags: Wait we're having a pool party? Anaya: We are now! Matt: Alright everybody, stay calm and we'll sneak past the scarecrows Wren: Define 'sneak' cuz i was planning on yelling 'LOOK OVER THERE' and running in the opposite direction Ellie: Thats not sneaking thats panic Wren: Yeah but its EFFICIENT panic Artha: Can you two please stop arguing or five minuets? Fab: Sure, starting now Wren: Fine **five seconds later* Fab: See I'm way better at not arguing than you are Wren: Thats not even-- Arthra: Never mind.... Anaya: Ok lets split up to cover more ground. Wren, your with me, Ellie and Kay go that way and Bats and Lili over there Wren: wait why do i have to go with you! Anaya: cuz your most likely to wonder off and get lost Wren: ...fair... Lili: Does anyone have a plan? Matt: Yes Wren: No Ellie: Sort of? Anaya: Thats not how plans work! tadaaaaaa your welcome. hope you enjoyed! also pls comment if you would like to be in these or if your character didn't quite fit and how i could change it (don't be shy! i really don't mind)