



First of all, I'M SORRY I TOOK FOREVER! My brain was kinda empty. Anyway, the first one is Janner's sacrifice, of course. The second on, "Roof", is Tink dropping the hammer of the roof, pretty obvious. The third one, "Book", is Janner in his natural habit. The last one, "Joy", is kinda a stretch. I didn't know what to draw for Joy, so I thought, what brings the characters joy... so I drew Tink doing his archery because thats something he likes. Hope you like these! 😁
Janner sleeps with a blanket over his face? I did that after watching "The Wizard of Oz" when I was four.
Nice! I love the one of Janner reading!!
I really like the one with Tink and the bow!! 😄
Awesome drawings, but you might want to put a spoiler warning