I haven't done a ton of art lately, but anyways, here's what I have done! =)
A digital drawing of Esben.

Digital drawing of Frodo. =3 (For some reason I always struggle drawing Frodo to look like Frodo. Couldn't tell if this one looked like him or not.)

Digital drawing of Legolas!

A sketch of Artham supporting Esben while Anniera's burning down. Cries*

A ton of sketches from sitting in Church. (My ability to sit and listen to something and not zone out is non-existent, so I have to draw or sketch while in Church so I can focus on what's being said. Lol!)

Aaaaand that's about it! =)
Those are really good!! Artham and Esben.... 😭😭😭❤️
Frodo also looks REALLY GOOD!!
They're good! I really like the one of Esben and Artham (😭😭😭), and the one of Frodo.
I have that sometimes, but it depends on what I'm trying to listen to.
Amazing!! I just wanna say, I've seen your talent grow a lot since I first started seeing your art 😄. Haha, I always have to be drawing or writing something as well to focus when I'm listening to people talk
Esben! 😭
These are all great! I think I like the Frodo one best.
Sketching helps me focus better, too. I do that a lot when we're listening to bible teachings.
ESBEN!! HE IS SO GOOD, ARTHAM!! Also the Esben and Artham one😭😭😭
ESBEN!!!!!!!!!!! 😱😱😱😱 Those are so good, Artham!!!!!!!!!
I want to take notes in church, but i usually end up doodling, so now i just bring a sketch book and i find that i listen better when my hands are doing something like drawing. So drawing is a must. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I know a lady who does cross stitch or crochet during church to help her pay attention. Sometimes when we have church at the park (we do this a few times during the summer) she brings her spinning wheel and spins alpaca fiber during the sermon. I can't remember if she's done this one during a regular service, but she might have! 😂
Awesome art!
It looks like Frodo to me. You made Frodo happy
...Oops, wrong gif.