A while back I was wondering what Esben looked like before all the stuff happened and so I tried drawing him. I pulled inspiration from the designs of the kids (both from the books and the show), and by rereading descriptions of him in the books. Is this sort of how you pictured him?

Thanks for all of your thoughts! That will be super helpful when I try to do an updated design that I've been wanting to do :)
The books say that there is a resemblance between him and Janner... What do you think it is?
Good job! You did very well.
This is so good! This is kinda how I imagine him, but maybe a different hairstyle. Amazing job!
Maybe not exactly how I imagined what he might look like, but I really love how you included all those easter eggs in his appearance! Awesome!
Not exactly, but close! It looks really good!
I imagined someone with a light blond hair and beard. I don't remember how he was described though.
It kinda fits!
It's not quite how I pictured him, he always reminded me as a more youthful version of Artham, with thick nearly black hair, clean-shaven, and just generally a "kingly" figure.
But I really do like the drawing! The cape and how you drew the folds is really cool!
He doesn't look like how I imagined him, but the drawing is pretty cool. He looks a tiny bit too old.
It's not exactly how I pictured him, but still good drawing!
Not exactly how I thought of him but good job! I thought of Esben as a mixture of Artham and Janner, most definitely lighter hair color with blue eyes. A little facial hair and I think his hairstyle would be slightly shaggy
That's not exactly how I pictured him, but he looks good!