I made a snotwax candle! Ok, fine. It’s not snotwax and it doesn’t stink (it’s lemongrass scented), but I’m calling it my snotwax candle. https://imagetolink.com/ib/iJfmyfHGXI
*reads title* *almost throws up* *opens post* *reads post* *stops gagging*
That most definitely looks like a snotwax candl. Beware! It might attracted a few fangs and snottamuses.
Ugh! The smella that thing...even an ol' pirate like me gets a mighty urge to scurry away 'pon catchin' a whiffa that thing!
Stinky...... but cool!
Now you can go into Glipwood Forest safely!
😆 That looks disgusting, but also awesome! Very cool!
That's awesome! It does look disturbingly like snotwax...
Wow!! THAT IS SO COOL! It looks just like one!
If someone is allergic to lemongrass it might make their nose run. How did you make it anyway?
Mm. Snotwax!😋