With school ending soon, I was flipping through my math book, which is literally just another sketchbook at this point with the amount of drawings that are in it. 😅
I found some that are actually really cool, and just a whole ton of random things. But more importantly! I would like to introduce everyone to MR. TOPHAT!! (Ignore the math problems on the side, Lol.)
He started as a stick figue who could surf on a surfboard with his top hat on his toes. Why does he do this? I have no idea. I was awfully bored doing my school and started drawing, and then he appeared and now I doodle him everywhere. He wears his top hat over his face so you can never know who he actually is. He wears a fancy cape and is an extradorniry superhero who can fly and has fire powers. Here are some of the doodles:

And since then, I've drawn him as a an actual drawing instead of just a stickman, he has quite a crazy story, several versions of it as well Lol. (He's not evil I promise, but whenever I draw something with fire it looks sort of evil.)

Everybody's math book should have lots of drawings, scribbles, and tears 😂
we always ended up drawing Larry the cucumber in all of our math books............
That's really cool! I and my brothers came up with a crazy story using doodle activity books we got several Christmases ago. We still add to it sometimes.
It's the overseer!
That’s so cool!
Haha, awesome! I'd love to hear some of his story!
I'm curious... Would anyone want to hear some of his story sometime? 😅
LOL! I used to draw in my math books!😂
😆😆 that is really funny how it started!
Is he the Mathman? The Mathman is the world's most evil villain; he's convinced every teacher on the planet that students need extra math!
WOW! That looks super cool!!