With school ending soon, I was flipping through my math book, which is literally just another sketchbook at this point with the amount of drawings that are in it. 😅
I found some that are actually really cool, and just a whole ton of random things. But more importantly! I would like to introduce everyone to MR. TOPHAT!! (Ignore the math problems on the side, Lol.)
He started as a stick figue who could surf on a surfboard with his top hat on his toes. Why does he do this? I have no idea. I was awfully bored doing my school and started drawing, and then he appeared and now I doodle him everywhere. He wears his top hat over his face so you can never know who he actually is. He wears a fancy cape and is an extradorniry superhero who can fly and has fire powers. Here are some of the doodles:

And since then, I've drawn him as a an actual drawing instead of just a stickman, he has quite a crazy story, several versions of it as well Lol. (He's not evil I promise, but whenever I draw something with fire it looks sort of evil.)

Is he the Mathman? The Mathman is the world's most evil villain; he's convinced every teacher on the planet that students need extra math!