@Kalmar Shuffler (🐺 ᚲᛚᚨᚾ) I said I would do it, and I did! 🤣For those of who do not know, me and Kal were talking on YouTube today, and he came up with an inspiring saying. Lol! He said, "Embrace the obsession." And then I decided I needed to turn it into a scrapbook spread or an inspiring poster thingy. So here it is!
Erm, ignore the KOTLC theme of it...

LOL yay! Now you should hang it up!
You said "Embrace the obsession" and I thought of Lady Gisela telling Keefe "Embrace the change"
That's so cool!!!
Love it!
Looks amazing! 👍👍
OH MY GOSH!!!!!! THAT'S SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait! Have you read KOTLC?!