Sooo, For @Batwhacker of Ban Rona 's Animal creation contest, I was looking through a ton of old art and found some very interesting and cool stuff I thought I would share! It is all old art from The King's Mirror series, VERY OLD VERSIONS. At first, the story was about me and my siblings! We would run around playing it and one day I decided to write it down! It has changed SO MUCH! From the original, and some time I will show you guys the rough draft for it. But for now, here's some super old art stuff! Enjoy! Lol (Cringes into blob at artwork*)

First ever drawing of Mari, who was at first called Maria.

Old drawing of Nell!

Old drawing of Mark!

Corinth sure looked different...

And here we have Ryth! All the characters had different names back then, some were my siblings names so for their safety I have since, renamed them. Ryth and Corinth's names are now used in another story that me and my Uncle are working on...

Mari in winter clothing after I had an idea about a plot string for the book!

Ah yes, here we have Lizzy. She is VERY different in the newest version of the story!!

Some more Mari, since she was originally meant to be me, I loved drawing her. Her personality is still like mine even now, but it has changed quite a bit.

Here she has some armor

This one used to be one of my favorites and I still like it even today Lol.
That’s amazing!