What if Gnag the Nameless lost the attack on Anneria? What if the Fangs were defeated within a couple of battles? What if the Kingdom of Anneira stood strong and the world was safe?
"In a Perfect World" is a WingFeather Saga AU Comic that is the answer to these questions as the royal family live their day to day lives happily within the security of their blessed Kingdom.

Leeli doesn’t have a crutch so weird
This is fabulous! 🤣🤣
I love that Esben and Janner look very alike!
Oh my word, these are so cute! I love this! Will you make more? Arthum and Esben remind me of the two main characters from um… oh, what’s it called… El Dorado! They look really good!
That's so good! 🤣
This is awesome!🤣
LOL Arthams eyes are two different colors
This is so good!!!! Peet's face when Nia glares at him!! 😂😂 The artwork is superb!!
This is AMAZING! I love the artwork and the story!! Keep at it!! Also I love how you drew Esben, we never get to see him in human form and I think you did a great job!! 😁
This is so good! The story and the artwork is great, and it's fun to see Esben in human form. I always imagined him as a blond.
By the way, welcome to the Thwap House!
MORE! Amazing artwork and absolutely funny story!
Great art, great story! Hillarious.
Those are so funny!
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 perfect! Absolutely perfect! You deserve an award! Someone give her an award!
I love this. I know I already said this on Facebook, but I’m gonna say it again.
No amount of laughing emojis can express how funny this is.