Last night I just finished one of my first pieces of digital art! I say "one of," because sadly, I had been working for a long time on many different pictures (including much designs for the fan episode) but due to an accident the app I had been using got deleted - including everything I had done on it. So I downloaded a new, better-quality app (procreate) and have been working on Nia for the past week or so to get the hang of using it (I chose to do Nia since back when I had been making all the watercolor portrates, she was the only one in the Igiby family who I hadn't drawn yet). And so, here it is! I'm very excited about how it turned out 😄
(Inspired by art in the new Wingfeather art book)

And... a time-lapse video of me drawing it! (Let me know if it doesn't work though)
Sorry everyone if the video isn't working! I'll try to repost it.
Really nice!!
OOOO!! That looks AMAZING Addy!!
I love the art style!!
That looks SO GOOD! I wish I could draw 😭
That looks really good!
That's really good. It looks like watercolors.
That's so cool!
she looks great!!
THAT'S SO SAD!!!😭😭😭😭
That's really good! I should try doing digital art sometime🤔
Why is everyone posting drawings?
It isn't working.
WOW That-is-SO-COOL!!!!