Last night I just finished one of my first pieces of digital art! I say "one of," because sadly, I had been working for a long time on many different pictures (including much designs for the fan episode) but due to an accident the app I had been using got deleted - including everything I had done on it. So I downloaded a new, better-quality app (procreate) and have been working on Nia for the past week or so to get the hang of using it (I chose to do Nia since back when I had been making all the watercolor portrates, she was the only one in the Igiby family who I hadn't drawn yet). And so, here it is! I'm very excited about how it turned out 😄
(Inspired by art in the new Wingfeather art book)

And... a time-lapse video of me drawing it! (Let me know if it doesn't work though)
Really nice!!