Nervous chuckle* I was super bored today!
So... I drew a lot of OC's.
And... And they're all kinda angsty little children.
I need to hold off on the trauma next time I create characters...
First up, Einar! Or, Mr. Tophat.
He's looking pretty tough and angry...

We have Ari! Who's from Einar's story as well.
She's a stressed teen who likes to write and gets little sleep, she also loves to chat with her friends online.
(I wonder why that sounds familiar... Hmm... No clue!)

A tiny Ryth. 🥹
He's so adorable, that little smile.

This was a little doodle of me, sitting in the middle of all the angsty drawings I did!
I'm very concerned as you can see.

You ready for the traumatized characters?
Welp. Einar's having a crisis. He's uh... He's been through it.
I'm sorry buddy, I'll write some happier scenes for you I promise. I say, when I know full well his story does not have a ton of overly happy scenes in it*

Oh look at that!
Ari looks like she's ready to knock someone out.
She's been through it as well...
I'LL GIVE YOU BOTH HAPPY SCENES OK? Just... Just stop crying.

But yeah that's it!
Einar and Ari may be the two newest members of the, "Overly traumitized and ready to cry" character family!
(Which includes Ryth, Rolf, Oroph, Ainsley, Dolan ans Mari.)
Okay, Artham. Spit it out, I'm here to listen. I know you're in a mood, so I'm just going to use Edaline's T-Rex method.