Alrighty, I'm currently working on a character, and once again, I cannot decide on a few things for them. 😅
It's going to be a villain, so keep that in mind.
But anways, you guys get to decide on their name, appearance, etc. etc.
One thing I DID decide upon, was that he is at first, a friend. He's going to join the two main characters of the story, and they're going to trust him.
But of course, BETRAYAL.
At some point he's going to reveal his true colors, and it will NOT end well.
Traumitizing my poor characters again, yay! 🫠
Grimnir - Masked or Hooded one
Jabez - Pain
Ove - Fear
(Hair has to be a black color, to contrast with the other two characters hair.)
Dark brown
Normal brown
Older, more like an ancient evil
Same age as the main characters? (14-16)
And here's a doodle I did of him.
Normally, he'd look kinda like this. He has pointy ears, a leather brown jacket, white undershirt. Constantly looks tired, a little stretched out, something just ever so slightly off about his appearance.

Anyways, tell me what you guys think, and if you have any other ideas for him!
He's going to be extremely sneaky, conniving and generally evil. But when the characters are trusting him, he seems like the nicest, most helpful, unsuspecting person.
But of course, we all know he's most definitely not. 😬
... Wormwood? Is that you?
Maybe you could make him slightly older than the characters, like 18 or 19. Not to the point where he is that figure they are all feeding off of and whatever adult dynamic, but when he enters the group things get a bit more exciting.
They should call him Grimi (grim-ee) for short, and he can hate it but have to put up with it until he betrays them.... Betrayal is fun to write and very helpful for plot building....
*sniffs air* I smell trauma
Who would name their kid a word that means pain or fear?
Ooh! This sounds really cool! Will you post this story on TTH?
I love this idea!
Ooh yes, I like the name ideas! So cool!!!
This guy sounds like someone I knew once. 🤔
Okay, he wasn't evil! Not really! But I didn't like him at all.