Some more random Wingfeather art for you! (Sorry for the bad lighting, it's currently thunderstorming like nuts here.)

Kal as a Fang! Not my best work, it's hard to draw wolf snouts at a three quarter angle.

A younger Esben! Very Swooshy hair.

An extremely unamused Artham. I guess this would be after he got his wings and they're all living in Anniera? Since he's wearing a nice shirt?

It's another Esben!

I attempted to draw Nia, but uh, doesn't really look like her... 😅

Not Wingfeather related, but I was drawing and then it turned into Ryth. I love his slightly awkward expression. 😂

And then I went on to draw Mari! This is definitely the most accurate drawing of her yet! (Ignore the green doodle, I was trying to fit as many drawings onto the page as I could.)

And then we have Corinth!
These are great!