Per Kal's request, here it is, the first art I had ever done. Truly terrifying....

An early concept for The King's Mirror... It was different back then...

Obi-Wan... Wow, look at that face... 😬

Are those eyebrows, or eyelashes? I have no idea...

Falls out of chair in fright* Th-that does not look right...

After reading the Silver Chair I thought I would draw some of the things from it, I think I can at least look at this one...

To this day I still don't know how I managed to get the drawing to lean so far...

Jill... And uh, and Eustace... Oof..

This was me at Cair Paravel. The colors are nice actually.

Every now and then I add a head to this page to see the improvement. It's interesting to see how different my style is now...

Oh hey, my wolf drawing obsession started! This is actually kind of cool... How did I get the face like that??

The last page of my first sketchbook, not a bad finish! There is improvement! I think...

....... A concept for The King's Mirror.. MOVING ON.

Ah yes! The classic stick person! Chuckles* Wooowww....

This. This was the OG design for Maria...

And, uh, that's a very disproportionate Lizzy...

And finally a page of writing from the original King's Mirror, I realized that I have and a half notebooks like this filled with writing from it...
Your handwriting is very clear in the last pic 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽
Haha, eyebrowlashes
*gasps and falls out of chair*
Just kidding! We all start somewhere! 😅 I don’t think I ever progressed beyond this type of art though…😬🫣😅
Relax. It's just concept art. Look at this LOTR concept.
Has his face been superimposed on a golf ball?
Brow lashes.
Was that one done by A.I.?
The Silver Chair is partly green.
That girl's head is really in the clouds.
Is the one that's crossed out Adela Pennyfather?
Queen AI the Magnificent.
You have a nice head count.
That one is pretty good.
Getting better.
Has Mari wandered into the wardrobe?
Lizzy: How do you solve a problem like Maria?
Maybe Lizzy is a jerk because she's insecure about her head size.
That's a lot of notebook paper.
*clears throat* It's not that bad...
Wow these are... Interesting.......... 😬
Heh heh... that's uh... kinda how I draw... heh heh...
🤣🤣🤣 some of these are quite terrifying, some are not bad, and one is excellent. THAT WOLF IS EXCELLENT!
*screams in terror😲*( these are actually pretty amazing especially that wolf one!😀)