This meme is dedicated to all of you. Including, but not limited to, @Azog the Moderator, @Throne Warden , @Leeli Iggyfeather , @Feather Head (Leeli Wingfeather), @Addy Hawthorne, @Aragorn, @Oskar N. Reteep (Erunámo) , @Aerwiar Archives, and everyone else who participates in our crazy comment threads.

Like c0rn?
For me?
In the words of Jack Sparrow, "I'm not crazy. Crazy people don't know they're crazy. I know I'm crazy, therefore I'm not crazy. Isn't that crazy?"
I'm so sorry @Stella Mae and @Fleck the Hobbit for forgetting you. This meme is also dedicated to you
This is so incredibly accurate Kalmar! 🤣
Is that Eustace?! 😮🤩
I try not to be as weird or crazy... am I though? 😂
I personally don't think that I'm weird, but I sometimes wonder how I appear to other Thwaphousers. 😳 After all, your opinion about yourself isn't always the truth.
I sure hope I'm not weird...
I'm more of a slightly weird, as I'm usually the one to enter the comment chain with no idea of what's going on...
Lol! Thank you @Kalmar Wolf King! Are you calling us weird?
Haha! Thank you honorable sir!! 😄😄😄
How right you are!! And thank you!😂😂🤣😂👍
Yes! 😂