A tiny Wingfeather comic I doodled while bored today ~
Janner, completely done with Kal.

Deep breath*

Janner: Kal-

Aaannd that was it, Lol!
Now just the few little things~
This one is specifically a little Tam drawing for @Shady Agent 99 (Ellie)~The One Meme Bearer~
I was watching her edits, and I felt like drawing Tam, so therefore, tis now your tiny Tam! 😂😂

Here's a very annoyed little Artham. He is as well as Janner, completely done with Esben.

Got another little guy that needs a name! Lol!

And finally, another Janner doodle, cause his hair is very satisfying to draw. 😂😂

I love these! And the one where Artham is done with Esben made me laugh. It's easy to forget that they were once normal teenagers who were entirely untraumatized. This helped me remember :)