I'm always looking for new art forms to try out. When I visited my friend, I made some Wingfeather inspired items using her woodburner. Back in highschool, I had the opportunity to try a woodburner but never did because I was afraid of burning myself. Now that I've gotten a little bit more confident with working with my hands, I thought it was time to give woodburning a go. Here are the results!

I'm not to the point of the book that I've learned much about this symbol outside of the TV series but I thought it would be simple to burn these symbols into some earrings.

This was the last item I burned so I think it was the best out of the others but not perfect. I messed up a few times on the piece but I'm content with it's look. I won't see it much underneath a drink anyway!
I don't have many pieces considering woodburning is a lot slower than sketching (I was so impatient, which is why I made more mistakes) but I would recommend it if you have the means. I kind of enjoyed the smell of the burning wood. Reminded me of a nice campfire. Though, when I was working on the coaster, the smoke made my eyes water a few times.
Hope you enjoy these!
Those are so cool! Woodburning is a really cool form of art I wolf love to try sometime!
Those are so cool! The symbol isn't actually in the books. I think it was just something they added to the show
I assume that wood-burning is etching a pattern into wood using heat. That looks really cool Janna.
Those are excellent!!! I love wood burning too! 😁
Those are superb! 👏👏😄 You really should send in a picture to Wingfeather!!
Those look really cool! You should totally send pictures of them to the WFS team, they might consider making them into merch to sell in the WFS store! I like how the symbol on the earring turned out, it looks hand drawn which is what the symbol would be in the series as well, it looks really cool! Thanks for posting these!
I bet Mr. Peterson would love these!!
Tbh, I'm not really sure what the symbol means either. 😆 Is it just in the series? I feel like I would have remembered it more if it was significant in the books...
Those look awesome! Wood burning is so fun.