It’s here! I don’t know exactly how many parts this is going to be, but definitely no more than four.
“That's a mighty gripping story you’ve just told, an’ I think I’m goin’ to believe it. Now, don’t get yer hopes up that you ken trick me with any other tale you spin.”
“I’m not the kinda fellow to make up a story. Anything ye hear me say is true. Well, mostly…”
“Then you have any more tales about the sea dragons?”
“That I do. Mind you, this next one has been passed down through many a generation. Not sure if I believe a lick of it meself. But I can tell ye, it’s a tale that ye will remember.”
In the days of my great great grandpappy, Dragoneering was at its peak. Hundreds of dragoneer crews sailed upon the sea, hunting the sqwyrms as they pleased. With so many dragoneer captains out there, there was bound to be some who got overly greedy. Those captains didn’t get very far. Usually they made it to the mouth of a dragon before their careers was ended. But one of them, who just so happens to be my previously mentioned grandpa, named Ballen Gribbs, decided to take a better approach to his lust for dragon flesh. He gathered the best dragoneer crews that anybody has ever known, as well as many other sailors and pirates.
The sheer number of vessels involved was enough to make any pirate’s peg-leg pop off from disbelief. Eleven supply runners, thirty-two storage ships, a hundred and seven dragoneer crews, four-hundred and forty-eight dragon boats, twenty-seven miscellaneous sailor crews, and three Symian Pirate ships. Yes, even the Symian Pirates was a part of Ballen’s massive army.
After all the necessary provisions had been packed into the holds and a course plotted, the army set out to achieve their goal.
To kill a drake!
😳 What happens next!?!? I must know! 😄😄 You did a great job with the style of how they talk and how he tells the story! Definitely feels like it fits right after that part in Wingfeather Tales!! 👍
Don't kill Drakey!