The young man walked down the street, heading back to his home. He didn't really even consider it a home, because all he even had was a small room in a large, abandoned building on the far west side of Dugtown. Once he arrived at the building, he tossed the bag that he had been carrying up into a broken window. He then walked inside, and went straight to his "room". It had a small oil lamp on a small nightstand that was missing a leg. His bed was just a mattress on the floor, with a ripped up pillow and a small blanket.
Once the man had sat on his bed, he thought back on the events of the day. Fangs had offered him a job. On that paid well, that was for sure. The man didn't know if he had what it took to do the job though. He may have been hanging around with Stranders, but he still had sense enough to know what was right and wrong.
"It pays 200 a week." The fang said.
"But, what will I do?" The man had asked.
"You'll manage a factory, one that makes ussss fang sswords." The fangs replied.
"But, who will I manage? Fangs?"
The fang had chuckled. "No, nothing like that. Children will be your tools."
The man had been horrified. He knew it was wrong, but he still couldn't pass up that offer. He had accepted the job offer, and was due to move to a nicer house in town tomorrow.
"Why children, master?" The man asked the fang.
"Because the Nameless Once believes that once those children are fully grown, that they'll rebel againssst usss fangss."
"How?" The man asked.
"Becausssse living in terror can do somethin' to a man. When you've lived in terror all you's life, you sssseem to wan' to rebel againsssst it." The fang had replied.
The man had grinned, but it had been forced. "Good point. I will take the job."
The fangs smirked. "Good choice. Meet me back here tomorrow. Bring all of your stuff that you wanna keep. You'll be livin' somewhere elsssse. Much, much nicer too."
And now the man, now packing up al of his stuff into that bag, was wondering if he had made the right choice.
Once he had all of his stuff packed, he headed back into town, and stopped at a local tavern, the Roundish Widow. The place was know for having delectable sailors pie, and the young man being hungry, decided to eat. After he finished eating, he slipped out of the tavern and headed back to the house.
He went straight to bed, only to dream troubled dreams.
When the man woke up, he grabbed his bag and headed into town. He found the same fang from yesterday waiting for him.
"Well, I'm here." The man said as he walked up to the fang.
The fang chuckled. "Good. Here, I want you to meet your new assistant. Mobrik, come here."
The man saw a Ridgerunner jog up to the fang.
"Mobrik, this is your new boss. Call him, the Overseer."
The man didn't really like the name "Overseer", but he stayed silent.
Mobrik studied the man. "Ah, yes well, let's get moving. Plumyums await me!"
The 3 walked through town for about an hour, before they started heading towards the outskirts of town. After about 30 minutes, they arrived at a large building. It was made from stone bricks, and had steam pipes coming out of the roof.
The fang smiled an evil smile. "This is your new office, as well as your new home. Welcome to the Fork Factory."
The group walked inside, and the Overseer was shocked at what he saw.
Children everywhere, working, covered in soot, and sweat."
The group walked all the way to the back of the factory, where the fang led them to a small office, and then to a large bedroom.
"This room is yours Overseer." The fang said. "Mobrik already knows where his room is."
"Thank you." The Overseer said, still in shock of what he saw.
"Now, there are a few things you should know. Mobrik will go over them with you soon. Enjoy your new job Overseer." And with that, the fang left.
Mobrik went over everything that the Overseer needed to know. Soon, the two had the factory running smoothly.
That is, until the tool named Esben Flavogle came in.
His name was actually Janner Wingfeather.
But the Overseer only found that out after it was too late.
And then came Sara Cobbler.
Great story!!!