Here is part 2 of my extended epilogue for The Warden and the Wolf King. Enjoy!
After Janner told his family about what the Maker said to him, Leeli looked thoughtfully at the First Well, and then looked at her leg. If the water could heal Janner, then maybe it could heal her as well. Artham guessed what she was thinking and he put his arm around her. “There is someone else here who needs this water,” he said. He scooped up some of the sparkling liquid and splashed it on Leeli’s twisted leg. Leeli felt a tingling sensation, as her leg straightened and became whole. Her eyes filled with tears, and she stood up, able to walk without her crutch for the first time. She gave a little jump and skipped around the clearing while laughing with joy, thanking the Maker for healing her.
While the Wingfeathers were at the First Well, Arundelle and Cadwick were overseeing the rebuilding of Anniera. All of the shining isle’s new citizens needed places to live, and so they were in the process of digging through the rubble to find suitable building materials. Word had reached the Green Hollows about what had happened, and a ship full of food and supplies had been sent over to help. Cadwick had divided the people into groups; some were busy distributing food, and others were working on clearing away the rubble. Gnag had been thorough in burning Anniera, and they were having trouble finding suitable wood planks. There was a forest nearby, and although the trees had been burnt, there was still enough suitable wood to be proved useful.
The Wingfeathers made their way back to Clovenfast. While they walked, Artham and Nia discussed what would need to be done once they got back to Anniera. Oscar had brought with him a large canteen, which they had filled with the First Well’s water. The plan was to use some of it to heal the wounded in Ban Rona, and also to bring some home with them in case of emergencies, like Artham had done back in Skree.
Once the group made their way back to Clovenfast, they got ready to ride the dragons to Ban Rona. Janner had been quiet during the walk, and now he stood up and announced, “Before we leave, there is something that I think you all should see. It’s over there”, he said, pointing to the left. Kalmar immediately knew what Janner meant. He glanced at Nia, Leeli, Artham, Sara, and Oscar, who had confused looks on their faces. “Where are we going?” Leeli asked. “You’ll see. Follow me.” Janner started walking into the trees.
After a few minutes of walking, Janner stopped in front of a cave. “Here it is.” He entered the cave and turned a corner, obstructing him from view. “What is this place?” Sara asked. Kal looked at them. “This is where Papa lived when he was a cloven. Elder Cadwick showed it to us when we first met him.”
The group entered the cave and found Janner kneeling by a painting on the wall, with tears in his eyes. The walls were covered in charcoal drawings and paintings. Nia ran her hand over a picture of Castle Rysen with her watching the sunset from one of the windows. Above the painting, Esben had written the words “Home, the happiest place in Aerwiar”. The group sat there for a long time, surrounded by the waters of remembrance, the nostalgia for what once was and what could be. As they sat there, they felt the Maker’s presence engulf them, and each of the Wingfeathers felt the Maker affirm that their father was safe with him, and that they would all be reunited one day, with no evil to break them apart; only peace, love, and joy surrounding them forever.
As they stood up to leave, Kalmar noticed a smooth, flat stone on the ground that had words on it. He picked it up, and on it was written a poem:
My heart aches with every breath I take,
As I yearn for my family's embrace,
Separated by miles and time,
My longing for them consumes my mind.
I miss the sound of their laughter,
Their voices, like music, I'll cherish forever,
The way their eyes sparkle with love,
Full of the Maker’s peace, like a warm blanket, from above.
Though the distance may be great,
My love for them will never abate,
I dream of the day we'll reunite,
To hold them close and make everything right.
Kalmar smiled and tucked the stone into his bunnyhug, thanking the Maker for a physical memory of his father that he could bring with him.