If you would like to become a member of The Thwap House Team (TTH Team) then you've come to the right place!
Moderators are in charge of keeping site users safe from trolls, spammers, and all the other dangers of the online world. They should be sensitive to the younger members on this site, and strong in upholding the site rules. They can delete posts, turn off commenting, move posts to different categories, block members, add badges to users' profiles. They also have access to the hidden TTH Team forum category.
Moderators must be at least 16 years old and must have been on this site for at least a month. If you are under 16, you can become a Junior Moderator (see below).
Junior Moderators are also in charge of patrolling the forums, same as Moderators, but they cannot block members, add badges, delete posts, move posts to different categories, or turn off commenting by themselves. They do have access to the special forum page for TTH Team members.
Junior Moderators can be anywhere above 13 years of age and must have been on this site for at least a month.
Admins have all the abilities that Moderators have, plus the ability to edit the site. They are basically co-owners of the site along with the site creator. They have access to the special forum page for TTH Team members. All applicants preferably should be at least 18 years of age and have been on the site for at least a month.
These people have access to the special forum page for TTH Team members and have a say in site changes.
If you are interested in becoming a part of our team, just comment below! Even if the role you are looking for is closed, we will still call on you when we need more team members. Also, if you're a kid, please make sure your parents are on board with what you're doing.
@Azog the Cucumberš„
Quick question regarding these roles: I see that Admin, Moderators, and Junior Moderators all have specific tasks on the site. But what about 'Team Members'? What do they do, other than 'have a say in site changes'?