My High King, DJ, has made some incorrect quotes based on what I have told him about TTH!
Seth: **is hooking up explosives to Kay's lab*
**Ellie, Fab and Gentlenickel come to investigate*
Ellie: Seth, what are you doing?!
Seth: I'm setting up explosives. She found a cure for all my muffins and is keeping it somewhere in here. I don't know where though, so rather safe than sorry.
Ellie: WHAT?!
Fab and Gentlenickel: Explosives! Explosives!!! EXPLOSIVES!!!
Ellie: **facepalm*
Fab: **grins and is about to hit the detonator*
Ellie: **runs into Fab and knocks it out of her hand*
Gentlenickel: **catches it* He he he. Good bye lab!
**Kay run down the stairs*
Kay: What's going on? Why does Gentlenickel have a detonator? Are those explosives?! EVERYONE OUT, NOW!!
**everyone leaves*
**DJ comes down and steps on the detonator*
DJ: That's not good.
**lab goes boom*
**in TTH court*
Judge Dennis: Wren, you have been accused of stealing 1,233 million cookies from a cookie factory in Berlin, Germany. Workers later found a sign saying "Wren wuz here".
Wren: What? No! Check everywhere, I don't have those cookies! And by the way, I do love cookies, but I also want other people to enjoy them.
Fab: **tries not to laugh* But what about that sign?
Wren: **gasp* It was you, you're trying to frame me!
Fab: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Nooooooooooo . . . when have I ever done anything to frame someone or something like that?
Wren: Just 20 minuets ago! You accused Anaya of stealing Seth's muffins, but then they turned out to be in the HS HQ!
Fab: Ok . . . , but you did this one, alright?
**Lots of arguing and Judge Dennis is annoyed*
Judge Dennis: ORDER IN THE COURT! Now, do you who are present believe Wren is innocent?
** everyone but Fab raise their hand*
Judge Dennis: Or guilty?
**Fab raises her hand extra high*
Judge Dennis: Ok, the majority believes Wren is innocent. Therefore, we shall authorize a search.
**An hour later, 1,233 million cookies were found in Fab's room and she was forced to return all her stolen sooks as punishment.*
hakjsdhakjhahsahah these were great!!
Not my pastries....
Noooooooo MY SOCKS.
There is NO way you'll ever get ALL my socks. I have a COUNTLESS amount.
heh. Framing wren was worth a try tho.
You hear 1000 chorkneys laughing, I put on a pair of noise-cancelling headphones These are great!!
That was... lovely.