lol so a lot of these i took inspo from AI and changed them, tho some are original
**During the Trials*
Anaya: I need someone to distract the Contagion while I fix the oven!
Kay: I got you covered! **gets chased*
Wren: I can take over for you Kay! **distracts the Contagion*
Ellie: The Contagion is attacking me!
Bats: **appears out of nowhere* On it! **uses glitter to forcefield protect Ellie*
**literally everyone working together*
Banana: **randomly joining* huh…I wonder what this does **starts pulling random things*
Banana: **watching his sister get chased* YEAH GO WREN **leaves*
Banana: **walks up to a random spooky mansion* HEEELLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO CONTAGIOONNNN
**everyone face-palming and rolling their eyes*
Sorry this is just too funny I die laughing every time I hear this audio, so I figured I’d do it with TTH members
Fab: If your leg got cut off, would it hurt?
Ellie: Well duh-
Rachel: How though?
Artha: …cuz your leg got cut off
Fab: but where would you feel the pain?
Rachel: EXAAACTLY!! How you gonna feel the pain in your leg-
Ellie and Artha: **so done with this*
Kay: ok so let me get this strait, you want to blow half of the moon up, just to see what it would do to earth??
Fab: and for the fun of it!
Kay: **turns to Anaya* and you’re supporting this???
Anaya: …why not! Sounds like fun doesn’t it?
Ellie: not for those of us on earth!!
Fab: then simply don’t be on earth. come with us on the spaceship and watch what it does to earth :D
Ellie: NO! Why would I want to blow up the moon!!
Anaya: cuz its FUN!! And besides, its not like it will actually damage earth!
Kay: I think you missing the point here
Fab & Anaya: **already stealing explosives*
Spags: This plan is ridiculous
Anaya: You’re ridiculous
Spags: Thats not an argument!
Anaya: and yet, I still won
Wren: If we ever get arrested, what are we telling the cops?
Kay: "We’re innocent."
Spaghetti: "It was all a misunderstanding."
Ellie: "We’d like to speak to our lawyer."
Anaya: “We have no regrets.”
Fab: "We’d do it again."
Spaghetti: If you need me, I’ll be under my blanket with a snack
Artha: Self-care?
Spaghetti: Hiding from responsibility
Gracie: Why are you setting things on fire again?
Rachel: Look, if it didn’t want to be on fire, it wouldn’t be so flammable!
Wren: …I don’t think thats how it works….I bet Steph is flammable
Rachel: **freezes* what. did. you. just. Say.
Wren: I’m trying to prove a point here—
Arthra: If you can’t beat them…
Lili: Join them?
Arthra: No, confuse them
Spags: I like this plan
Wren: Does it involve cookies
Bats: **appears out of nowhere* GLITTER!!!!!!!
Lili: Why are you all wet? How are you burnt and wet at the same time?
Wren: We had a disagreement
Lili: With who?
Spags: The ocean
Lili: …should I ask who won?
Wren: The explosive squid Seth placed in the ocean we were having a disagreement with.
Kay: Life is short. Eat dessert first.
Fab: Life is chaotic. Be more chaotic than life.
Spaghetti: Life is exhausting. Take a nap.
Anaya: Life is depleting. Always bring snacks.
Wren: Life is unpredictable. Carry a frying pan.
Seth: Life is boring without explosions
Spaghetti: Okay, worst-case scenario, what do we do?
Anaya: Start singing
Lili: Hug a chorkney
Mr. Banana: Accept our fate
Ellie: Find a logical way out
Seth: Blow something up
Fab: Kidnap someone
Rachel: Protect the children
Wren: Hit something with a pan
Janna: Hide from humanity and eat fruit
Bats: Teleport out using glitter
Kay: Don’t get into the worst-case scenario
Arthra: Why is there a giant hole in the wall?
Wren: I panicked
Spaghetti: I ran
Anaya: I set something on fire
Fab: I blew up the wall
Seth: I provided the explosives
Ellie: I protected everyone
Lili: …And I brought snacks
Spags: Anaya!! Look what you did!
Anaya: Look, nobody’s perfect!
Spaghetti: I am.
Ellie: …You just tripped over your own feet.
Spaghetti: I was giving the floor a hug!!
Arthra: I can’t believe I’m saying this, but we might need Seth’s help
Lili: I would rather eat a shoe
Wren: I would rather eat two shoes
Seth: You can’t accuse me of anything wrong
Lili: You set a kitchen on fire yesterday
Seth: That’s debatable, the kitchen kinda did most of it
Ellie: You set an army of ducks on the TTH harvest!
Seth: You can’t prove that was me
Wren: You’ve tricked countless people into bounds
Seth: …
Arthra: If we go to jail, what’s the plan?
Gracie: We don’t go to jail?
Spaghetti: We plead insanity?
Wren: I break us out with a pan?
Lili: I negotiate our way out with chorkneys?
Anaya: I bake to bribe our way out?
Fab: I distract them while you guys run?
Seth: I blow up the jail?
Seth: not after I blow it up!
Arthra: … I’ll be honest, I stopped listening a while ago
tadaaaaa hope you enjoyed!
GASP you got my pyromania!!!!! and I'd kill wren the next time she says ANYTHING like that, but this is a Christian website...