@GentleNickel @Fab (HS) @Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW] @Mr. Banana [Freedom Ranger] @Lili the Shakespeare Nerd (FF, FAR, TW, TC, SS, NoMS, CL, DK, AaPK(S), CE, CM, D) @Ellie Mee @Rachel Blackburn (HS) (FAR)
This is High quality, I must say
the frogs!!! 😍😍😍😍
If the bell stubs it toe, it will not feel swell, but it might swell!
baakjshdaksjhashahaha never stop these spags they're too good😆
nods Frogs.
As it's been said, thank you for doing these!
WOOHOO! Lol I’m in one of these! And…even though it was only one comment a lot of these are replies to me.
Thank you for doing these they’re hilarious. 🤣
YAY I'm funny XD