I was wondering if there was a beach or cove similar to Ban Rona's (at least, one that could have a Watercraw). I actually tried looking up various beaches that are surrounded by cliffs, and I couldn't find any that would be sufficiently similar enough to Ban Rona's topography.
So I began theorizing.
There would need to be steep cliffs on the sea-side of the cove, but still have a smooth slope on the land-side.
So, here goes...
The land would start being hilly right about where the coastline is.
Before Yurgen burrowed and altered the shape of the world, some sort of large meteor struck (right on the edge of the hilly area), making a massive, round hole. Since it was on the edge of the hilly area, one side of the hole was much higher - and steeper - than the other.
Then, when Yurgen dug for the stones, not only did he tear Anniera from the continent (see book 4, end of ch.74), he must have also passed right by this hole, just barely taking out a small section of the higher part of the hole walls.
Thus, the walls nearest the sea would be very steep and tall, while the other end of the cove would be a smooth slope, and a smooth transition in between.
It's difficult to describe in just words, so here are some drawings:

That is a fantastic theory! I can’t wait to see how they make it look in the show! (And I am still REALLY hoping we can get a live action adaptation of WFS someday so we can see some of these locations made real!