I wrote another quiz! Hopefully this one will be medium difficulty... This one is a "name the quote" quiz. Answer with the person who said the quote, not the person they were speaking to or about. Have fun!
1. “If I have to fight to make it there, I’m willing to do it. And if I have to pull you by the collar, you’re coming with me.”
a. Podo Helmer
b. Maraly Weaver
c. Janner Wingfeather
d. Claxton Weaver
2. “Very well, then. I’ll take these two. She’ll be here at dawn.”
a. The Overseer
b. Claxton Weaver
c. Zouzab Koit
d. General Khrak
3. “TOOOOOTHY – oy! That’s a fine shot, lad – COW!”
a. Podo Helmer
b. Artham Wingfeather
c. Ronchy McHiggins
d. Oskar N. Reteep
4. “Slimy as the bottom of the Blapp!”
a. Claxton Weaver
b. Podo Helmer
c. Oskar N. Reteep
d. Gammon Felda
5. “Aye, I’m ready. Killed more snickbuzzards than you, old man. Eaten more too, I’d bet.”
a. Nurgabog Weaver
b. Maraly Weaver
c. Kalmar Wingfeather
d. Migg Landers
6. “Someone should do something.”
a. Janner Wingfeather
b. Ronchy McHiggins
c. Maraly Weaver
d. Leeli Wingfeather
7. “You’re being funny. You’re trying to be funny.”
a. Janner Wingfeather
b. Mobrik
c. Kalmar Wingfeather
d. Sara Cobbler
8. “I’m sorry we left you. I didn’t want to. None of us did.”
a. Leeli Wingfeather
b. Nia Wingfeather
c. Artham Wingfeather
d. Podo Helmer
9. “I’m not afraid, sir. Just eager.”
a. Urland
b. Glag
c. The Overseer
d. Brogman
10. “Podo, if you have something to say, now’s the time.”
a. Gammon Felda
b. Migg Landers
c. Oskar N. Reteep
d. Nurgabog Weaver
11. “It’s a good thing you fainted. They had to sew up your shoulder.”
a. Janner Wingfeather
b. Leeli Wingfeather
c. Artham Wingfeather
d. Nia Wingfeather
12. “You can tell from the way their clothes hang whether there’s anything tucked in there and if it’s simple to snatch. It’s easy, really.”
a. Maraly Weaver
b. Podo Helmer
c. Nurgabog Weaver
d. Kalmar Wingfeather
13. “I can see the sea from here, and it’s not dark at all. It’s wide and terrible and beautiful.”
a. Leeli Wingfeather
b. Artham Wingfeather
c. Oskar N. Reteep
d. Kalmar Wingfeather
14. “Yes, arrows are precious. But they’ll do the Igibys no good, I’m afraid.”
a. Zouzab Koit
b. General Khrak
c. Oskar N. Reteep
d. Gammon Felda
15. “Er, I’m sure we won’t see any. Probably not real anyway.”
a. Podo Helmer
b. Oskar N. Reteep
c. Janner Wingfeather
d. Maraly Weaver
16. “Whatever happens, even if Mr. McHiggins isn’t trustworthy, we can’t stay here, and we can’t go back.”
a. Nia Wingfeather
b. Oskar N. Reteep
c. Leeli Wingfeather
d. Kalmar Wingfeather
17. “Get to the other side of the street! The other side!”
a. Kalmar Wingfeather
b. Nia Wingfeather
c. Janner Wingfeather
d. Podo Helmer
18. “I just woke from a delightful night’s sleep. My bed is so soft, you see, and large.”
a. The Overseer
b. Oskar N. Reteep
c. Nia Wingfeather
d. General Khrak
19. “Better get those out quick, or you’ll be sick as a dead dog.”
a. Janner Wingfeather
b. Podo Helmer
c. Maraly Weaver
d. The Maintenance Manager
20. “That you can see these things when she plays is a gift. Never try to become its master, but serve it. Allow it to be what the Maker meant it to be.”
a. Oskar N. Reteep
b. Artham Wingfeather
c. Yurgen
d. Nia Wingfeather
21. “They’re letting us go. Thank the Maker, they’re letting us go!”
a. Janner Wingfeather
b. Artham Wingfeather
c. Leeli Wingfeather
d. Podo Helmer
22. “I can’t bear it. I can’t. At least here, there’s food and water and a bed to sleep in.”
a. Maraly Weaver
b. Sara Cobbler
c. Kalmar Wingfeather
d. Janner Wingfeather
23. “Put that back! This is my fruit! Mine!”
a. Zouzab Koit
b. Mobrik
c. The unnamed ridgerunner
d. Claxton Weaver
24. “He’s shrewd – not your ordinary brute Fang. He’s probably sitting in the palace right now, trying to figure out how to get his claws on the lot of us.”
a. Oskar N. Reteep
b. Podo Helmer
c. Gammon Felda
d. Nia Wingfeather
25. “How could they kidnap a mother? Even Stranders have mothers and shrink from doing a woman harm, especially a woman with a child.”
a. Podo Helmer
b. Oskar N. Reteep
c. Gammon Felda
d. Ronchy McHiggins
This one was harder! 😅