So much happened in this span of chapters but let's see if I can't touch on the main points.
Oskar is alive but a liability due to his injury. However, I'm glad the Igiby's didn't leave him behind. Friends are more important than survival. Oskar saved them by telling them about the doom approaching.
Zouzab, I hope you perish, you gremlin weasel. Ridgerunner? More like get-rid-of-you...unner. He snitches on everyone like the slime he is. I will not stop talking about my hate for this creature.
Peet does his best to fight the coming hoard but... guess what, trolls are stronger than fangs. Now the trolls pose a greater threat, their lives have never been more at risk. As we'll see later, Peet is just no match for them. I'm glad but also sad for the poor guy. He was overpowered in the first book but now it's revealed he actually isn't superman. Perhaps this was framed like this because of the kids' perspective of him.
Anyways, they run and run but come to the gully, a place Janner remembers in hindsight that was a bad place to be. Even so, they didn't have much choice but to cross. Nugget is under a spell because of the Gargan Rockroach and Tink tries to get him to move and almost loses his foot to a toothy cow, who is luckily under the same spell.

... terrifying. My worst dreams TERRIFYING. If the idea of this scares an adult, I can only imagine a child's reaction to such a scary beast. However, nothing compares to the following chapters.
The ground gives out and Janner, Tink, Podo, Leeli, and Nugget all fall into the death tavern that is the lair of the giant Rockroach. They quickly formulate a plan and somehow make it out but not without Janner being unnecessarily rude to Tink (though I may feel the same pressure if I was Janner, but I would yell at myself later for what I said and thought).
Peet also springs into action, what a guy.
The horrid definition of the rockroach follows and thank you Mr. Peterson for not including a picture of that. My imagination has been tortured enough by your descriptive words.
Anyways, Peet gets in trouble, Podo yells at Janner to stay back, Janner thinks he has a plan and it fails but thankfully he has a saving grace... ish. The roach seemingly retreats at first with the water from the well thing. Poor Peet gets captured by a troll, poor guy. If I could soccer punch anything in this moment, I would use it on the troll... though it would probably do nothing since my hands are so much smaller than theirs.
Zouzab says something that makes me hate him more. If I can't punch a troll, let me hit this guy. He'd go flying, dude.
Blah blah blah fangs threaten to hurt Peet.
Zouzab says more garbage that makes me loathe his existence.
Long story short, the stand off ends when the gargarn rockroach isn't actually gone but is twice the size of the nightmare it was before appears once again. I'm glad for the creature but still hate it. Disgusting.
Anyways, the Igiby's run and run and run. They try to find Miller's Bridge and think they've come to a dead end a couple times. Janner sasses Tink a few times but Tink ultimately helps save their hides with his bow skills and keen eye.
During this we also catch a glance that Podo clearly hates something about the sea which I'll come back to later.
Janner has a moment of heroism as he makes sure all his family jumps the gap. He was inspired by his uncle to protect as he did. I'm happy the author visits this. Children really look up to their adult role models and thankfully Peet is a good one for Janner.
We also learn Janner can't shoot an arrow to save his life. Good thing Tink can!
Podo showcases his sword throwing skills and takes out a troll. Great job, gramps!! The pressure rises as the other troll comes thundering towards them. For a moment we think Podo will die but guess what, NUGGET DIES... AGAIN. Wow, you make me like him the second time and kill him. How much do ya have to hate dogs to kill the same one twice? Anyway, Nugget is dead now but at least it was heroic??
Everyone is grief stricken and exhausted but thankfully the fangs retreat. It's discovered that Peet is wanted by Gnag for an unknown reason. I'm curious as to why but I have some theories thanks to a big fat SPOILER I received at some point... but I won't say because I'm unhappy.
Anyhow, Oskar expresses how excited he is to find out the stories he's read may be plausible with what he's seen so far and promises that if he survives he would write a book about their adventure. Good for him, someone has to write it down! I'd read it! Oh wait a second...
Then finally, more lore. Leeli plays a song on her whistelharp and it appears she suddenly has an ability to... make pictures appear in people's minds? I don't know how to explain it but long story short, the dragons take the body of Nugget to a cave and warn the jewels of someone among them they shouldn't trust. They think it's Gnag but with how Podo is acting, I'm certain it's him. I know there's not a lot to be known besides Podo being an ex pirate. Him being a pirate implies he has a possibly dark past of living wildly on the sea. I wouldn't doubt he fought sea dragons at one point. As to Podo being out for himself like the dragons said, I don't believe that to be the case. He loves his grandchildren too much to be out for himself.
Snotwax. Nuff' said.
Holoré lay thee deep. Nuff' said.
Podo explains he visited the sunken mountains and found no healing stones.
"In the words of Bimm Stack, 'I've an idea! Attend closely to me and you might find your shoes.'" Oskar, you must be exhausted to be reciting utter gibberish! You're funny though.
Looks like they have a contact to meet in a town nearby thankfully.
Then we arrive at chapter 18, a chapter I would jump in just to hit Zouzab with a plank. Poor Peet is being dragged about like a rag doll as demented ridgerunners watch. All the while Peet is having an awful hard time wrestling with his muddled thoughts and deep rooted guilt. Poor man finds out he's on the way to Fort Lamendron. I don't recall this fort but if Peet is shrieking, it must be bad. You folks will rue the day you messed with Artham! Starting with you, ZOUZAB. I'll print off your picture and tape it to my dart board, just like the cartoons!
Then there a glimpse into Tinks thoughts on being king. He clearly has doubts that he would be a good king or even if he wants to be king at this point in time. I wonder if he was holding these thoughts before or if their peril brought about the doubts... or maybe the words of his own brother. Whatever the case, I see this backfiring on everyone later. It needs to be addressed but Nia tells Janner to leave it alone.
And that concludes my review- it's really long this time but I couldn't stop reading long enough to post one lol. Hope you got a laugh and see you in the next one.
So, it's been 14 days. Have you