Well, we’ve made it to a…a very sad chapter. I mean, I know my story has not exactly been the happiest LOL, but I think this is the most sad…
Each and every day, Artham got more bruises and bumps from Nibbick Bunge. And no one was brave enough to help him, so no one did. He bore it all alone.
Danniby asked him questions, but Artham, while always honest, made light of the issues, not wanting to seem whiny…which every teenager always does.
Eventually, he did give a name to the boy that was injuring him. Danniby raised his brows at the name, but said nothing. The Bunges were in good standing with the Keeper.
“But he’s ta be a monarch of Anniera,” Danniby muttered. He so wanted to help Artham, but how could he?
Artham was also struggling with his insomnia. He would be up long after Emerald started dreaming and Esben started snoring. He would lie awake, knowing sleep would not come till complete exhaustion kicked in, and think about things. His parents. His aunt. His grandpa. His grandma. Even Arundelle.
He always had a type of hopeful, fluttery feeling in his heart when he thought of her. It made him want to hear from her. But he had written four letters just since arriving in the Hollows.
It made him worried. Had he offended her? Was she angry with him? Did she want to avoid him? He knew she was fine, because he had heard from his Grandma. She would have said if something was wrong. So he knew everything was fine.
“But why haven’t I heard from you?” he whispered, as he dosed off to sleep.
He got his usual two hours worth, and then was up and at breakfast. He felt a bit grumpy and tired and sad the next day. And when he went downstairs, he felt even more so.
As Danniby put an egg on Emerald’s plate, he looked at them all with a sad and resigned face.
“Well, young’uns, I’m afraid that me ma and pa, who live in Skree, need me.”
Artham looked up, a hope brightening in his eyes. Maybe they could go back to Skree! Or maybe home early!
Danniby caught the light, and it broke his heart.
“And, well, I can’t take ya with me.” Danniby looked down, almost ashamed to have to deliver such grave news.
Artham’s hopes were dashed on the rocks. He slumped in his seat and slowly started eating.
“So, I’ve arranged fer ya ta spend the time I’m gone, about a month er so, with the Helmers.”
Artham was now quite ready to go back to sleep and restart the day, thinking it some nightmare. While him and Nia got along……tolerably, (one could hardly call them friends), being stuck together in a four walled house was not a promising situation.
But he said nothing. After breakfast, Danniby did give them some great news: while they were transitioning, they did not have to go to school. Esben and Emerald seemed upset, and Artham hid his pleasure.
The next day, they were watching Podo move their bags up and down the stairs, and saying goodbye to Danniby.
He hugged and kissed a crying Emerald, and fondly patted Esben’s head. He shook hands with Artham, but as he did, Danniby whispered, “When I get back, I’m going to make sure you and yer siblings are mine forever. I’m going to adopt ya, if you’ll call me father.” There were tears in Danniby’s eyes as he spoke. He loved these children dearly.
Artham felt tears in his eyes, but he blinked them back. “Yes sir. That would be fine.”
Danniby smiled, tearfully, kissed Artham’s head, and then was off, with many a fond glance back at the Artham and his siblings.
Artham inhaled and exhaled deeply, hoping that this month or so would go by quickly.
For the first long while, it did go by fast. The three weeks that passed hardly seemed to be a blink of an eye. But the fourth week seemed to drag, and all three of the siblings were missing Danniby.
They were all hanging around the living room one afternoon. They were quiet. But Nia broke the silence.
“I’m sure you’re happy to be goin’ home soon.”
Artham looked up. “Yeah, we all are…not that it’s been bad here.”
Nia looked at him with a slight smile, but it was clear that she seemed a bit reluctant in her kindness. Artham had no clue as to why she was so….strange towards him. She had kept giving him glares the whole time he was there, and though he had chores to help with, she always made a fuss of doing anything for him.
“So, Nia, how was your day?” Esben asked, watching her with wide eyes. Artham sighed. Esben really was smitten with Nia.
Esben and Nia started chatting, and Emerald turned and said something to her brother.
“I wish Uncle Danniby was home,” Emerald whispered.
“He’ll be home soon,” Artham said smiling, pulling his little sister closer. But his words seemed to have no meaning when they left his mouth. He was uncertain and unsure of himself…..of his uncle. Would he be home soon?
Almost on cue, Wendolyn appeared with a grave face. “Children, I need you to go upstairs.” Nia obeyed immediately, Esben and Emerald at her heels, Artham grabbing his book to follow.
“Not you, dearie.”
Artham froze. Esben looked back momentarily, but Artham nodded, urging his brother on.
Wendolyn watched the children ascend the steps, and then she looked back at Artham. She slowly walked towards him, and Artham felt a dread seize his heart even as it practically beat out of his chest. He slowly sat back down.
His eyes flitted up and down, until he felt Wendolyn’s hand on his shoulder and felt her presence beside him.
“Love, something’s happened.”
Artham looked at her with tears formulating in his eyes. His heart dramatically slowed, and Wendolyn seized his hand.
“Artham, darling, something happened…Danniby…”
Artham closed his eyes, knowing what happened, and knowing what pain he was about to experience. Him and his family.
“I’m afraid he’s…” Wendolyn continued.
“No.” Artham hissed through gritted teeth, feeling pain unimaginable. He knew it would do no good to just say “No” but it was all he could do. He felt the hot tears stream down his cheeks as a million happy thoughts dashed out of mind, and questions, confusion, doubt….and grief.
Wendolyn spoke some words of comfort to him, and kissed his head, but Artham just felt as if he was in a stupor.
In fact, that’s how he felt the whole day. He didn’t even flinch when Emerald cuddled up beside him and weeped softly, or when Esben leaned his head on his shoulder, or when Nia brought him food, or when Emerald was sleeping softly against him, or for the next week!
He didn’t even snap out of his stupor when Wendolyn and Podo helped the Wingfeathers move in with the Keeper.
He did sort of snap when he started unpacking his things into his new room. Esben was throwing things around half-heartedly.
Esben turned around and looked at his brother with swollen red eyes.
Artham faintly smiled. “We’ll be okay. I promise we’ll be okay.”
Esben nodded, but then without another word, Esben wrapped his brother in a hug. Artham hugged his brother back.
“We’ll be alright,” Artham whispered.
The next morning, they met Horus officially.
He was a big man, with thick, red, curly hair. The hair on his head was long and pulled back, but his beard was braided. He had deep brown eyes, and a serious disposition.
They saw his wife, who was, in comparison, very small, and pretty, with black hair tied in a braid. Artham was also faced again with Rudric, his cousin. Rudric had been tolerably kind. But he was no Danniby.
It was now that the Keeper decided to speak.
“Well, young ones. Let me first say how deeply sorry I am for all that has happened. I know who you three really are, but I think it best to stick with your grandpa’s name for now. And I want you also to know, that I am a trustworthy man. I will try to take the best care of you until you return home, and I will care for you on your return journey. Now, you’ll be staying here for the next several months. Artham, when you turn sixteen, you’ll be considered a man by Annieran standards. It’s the second month of the year you turn sixteen. You’ll last for eight more months, will you not?”
Artham was a bit overwhelmed with all the information, but he nodded anyways.
Then Mrs. ban Yorna, Meerida, came forth with three bowls of porridge and a smile.
“Well kiddos, you needn’t worry about going to school today. In fact, me and Horus will decide when ya’s will be going back to school.”
They ate it up quickly, and then finished setting up their rooms.
The next day Wendolyn arrived, and she was like a balm on Artham’s soul. In fact, after speaking with Esben and Emerald for a little while, and giving them cookies, she asked Artham to take a walk with her.
As soon as he came outside, she slipped her arm in his, and they began their walk.
They walked for quite a ways in silence. In fact, they were nearly to the Field of Finley before Wendolyn spoke.
“Well, darlin’. Here we are. You’ve got a new challenge set ‘afore ya.”
Artham sighed. “It’s the story of my life.”
“How’s that?”
“How’s that? What trials have you gone through before, if you don’t mind me asking.”
Artham sighed. “Well, I lost my parents and grandpa on the same day. We moved to Skree with my aunt. She fell in love and married Danniby, and then she died. And now, he moved us here, and he’s gone. It’s all….a mess. My grandma is across the sea where I am not, and my…my….Arundelle is…she’s gone too. I must have offended her in some way, because she hasn’t wrote me back once. I wrote her five letters, maybe six. Though I can’t recall if I did or not. The Durgan has been a mess. All I get is knocked around for seemingly no reason.”
Wendolyn reached up and wiped one of the tears from his cheek, and Artham was shocked that he had cried. Though how could he help it? His heart had been under such stress lately. And his lack of sleep and previous state did not help.
“Well love, I wish I could help you in everything. I wish I could bring back all you’ve lost, but I can’t. I suppose I can just try and love you as a mother, if you’d like me too,” she said softly.
Artham blushed. He wanted that so much. He dumbly nodded.
Wendolyn smiled. “Now love, there is something I can do for you. A letter was received. In fact, more than one. You have six letters from your Miss Arundelle to read.”
Artham looked at her with an excited expectation, as Wendolyn removed her arm from his and reached into her apron pocket.
She pulled them out, and it was all Artham could do to not reach out and seize the letters eagerly, tear them open, and pour over them a thousand times.
When Wendolyn handed them to him, he muttered a thank-you, but then felt awkward. He couldn’t read them now, so he begrudgingly put them in his pocket and offered Wendolyn his arm.
Wendolyn giggled, and Artham knew some of his feeling was written on his face.
“Walk me home doll, and go read your letters.”
She reached up and kissed his cheek. “Maybe they’ll bring you some comfort.”
Artham could hardly wait.
So….a kind of happy note! 😁
But now that Danniby is dead, they have to live with the Keeper…..but don’t worry! Artham will warm up nicely :)
…..mostly. 😏
I stare at you horrified.
Grabs notebook and starts scribbling