One more spoiler warning. Don't read unless you've read all four books. Read prologue first. Enjoy!
Chapter 1
Otto Marlowe
A large ship bumped into the newly built dock of Anniera. It was manned by a small Hollish crew, led by a man named Otto Marlowe. He was a tall, black-haired man and was covered in scars from the previous war. He looked like he was on a mission, and no-one would stand in his way.
It had been a month since Janner Wingfeather’s famous sacrifice. Anniera’s rebuilding was coming along nicely and most fields had been plowed and planted. The former fangs worked hard, but some, though grateful for Anniera, wanted to explore this new world free from Gnag’s oppression and tyranny. These were the people that Otto was looking for.
Before the Great War, Otto had been a sailor in a fleet designed to transfer cargo anywhere from the Green Hollows to Skree. Actually, his fleet were the only ships that regularly traveled to Skree and back. The strong ties he had with the foreign land now, however, were mostly severed due to the Great War. With his crew gone, he was determined to change the world by creating a crew to sail to a place that was only Hollish lore. The Edge.
First, he needed a crew though. A crew beyond the few men he brought to sail to Anniera. Those men were good, but only a few would be joining him on his real journey. He left the boat to recruit men.
Otto spent a week in Anniera, convincing any restless person he saw to join his cause. He spent his last night at an inn, in a town called chesterfield. He sat alone at a table in the corner and ordered some food. Another walked in and looked around. He spotted Otto in the back and walked over to his table.
“You’re the man looking for sailors.” The man remarked.
“I am. I don’t have enough men currently. Who are you?” Otto answered
“Inigo Finch. I’d like to join your crew.”
Otto looked the man over. He looked around thirty. He was the most capable looking man he’d met so far. “Sit down. What’s your profession?” Inigo sat down and thought. “I believe I was a sailor. I was a former fang, but lately I’ve been farming and building shelters. Helped build this inn.”
Otto nodded “So you have experience. One more question: why do you want to come? You do know where we’re going right?”
“I do. Anniera is a wonderful place, but staying here isn’t what I have in mind. King Kalmer has all the help he needs. I want to discover new places, and bring unity to known peoples. I want to extend a hand of friendship to new people. Maybe this will prevent great evils, like Gnag, from rising up. Or, at least be able to work together to take them down.” Inigo answered.
Otto was impressed by this answer. “Let’s talk about payment.”
“Normal sailor wages.” Inigo immediately answered.
“Really? This will be a dangerous voyage. You don’t want anything else?”
“No. Save it for other sailors.”
“You’re hired. You’ll take First Mate?” Otto agreed. Inigo looked surprised “First Mate? Really?” Otto smiled. “I don’t want anyone else to have it.”
“Ok. I’ll take it.” Inigo shook his hand. “We leave tomorrow. I need more sailors, and I know just where to get em’.” Otto said. “Where?” Asked Inigo.
Otto smiled. “Skree.”
**gasp* I don't know how I missed this! I read the prologue and was waiting for the next chapter, but for some reason I didn't see it! I really love it and please write more!!!