I'm giving a shot at Fan Fiction. Enjoy the story. Don't read if you haven't read all four books.
Over the Edge
Prologue: The Splitting of the Stone
“Of course! The Nameless One! Why else would you not have a name.” An old deformed woman paced the deck of a ship just outside of Ban Rona, muttering to herself in a hysterical manner. Her name was Murgah, also known as the elder Stone Keeper. “I just can’t grasp why I can’t give you a eensey weensey little name! But no, no! What Gnag says goes!
Even after watching her master fly off with the three Wingfeather children she still tightly held the satchel that contained the ancient stone. Come along Amrah,” Murgah said to her daughter. “We mustn’t dwell on this matter.” They walked into the captain’s quarters, trying and failing to look composed. The fangs tending the ship were slightly startled by the stone keepers’ sudden… anxiousness.
Inside the captain’s quarters Murgah unlatched the satchel and pulled out the stone. She placed it on the table, and both sat and stared at it, as if in a trance. They had the sudden urge to meld themselves with something. Barrels of floppy fish were the first thing they saw. They sang the Song of Ancient Stones multiple times. Then, Amrah grabbed the stone with her fin-hands and burst out of the captain's quarters.
Both stone keepers urged the horrified fangs to sing with them. Amrah dropped the now slimy stone to the floor. Without anyone noticing, a part chipped off and slid into an overturned bucket. Murgah picked up the bigger piece that was still in the open. She put it back in the satchel, and without a word, both ran back to the captain’s quarters.
The next morning the Wingfeathers returned to the ship nearing news that Gnag was dead. The stone keepers fled off the ship and into the Dark Sea of Darkness, with the ancient stone, though the small one that split off remained on the ship.
The Wingfeathers sailed the boat through the Watercraw. The Hollowsfolk took the fangs into custody. Everybody dispersed. The only sound heard was the creaking of empty ghostly fang ships. The loose knot that held down the ship that held the ancient stone slipped, and the boat was carried by a particularly large wave, out of the harbor. It was then carried by a strong current, South, to the Edge.
I am very intrigued. Keep writing!
Nicely written! Definitely leaves me intrigued! 😄
Wow, this is really good!