-kinda just a short goofy part to fill in until I can reference the books
-also adds to the background i guess?
-anything out of cannon? (Ignore the names in the story, I did them wrong on purpose)
Story Time
I hang from the tree upside down, writing in my journal like usual.
It slips from my hand and I call Tink over.
“Tink! Can you pass my book back?”
He lifts it from the edge of a page, looking at the words,
“yal ew erehw swodaem eht ni elihw
Yats ot enim dna enim era uoy taht
Deyarp evah i rekaM eht ot
Edadhs ylpmis ro niar gnirb ot
Uoy rof sllac duolc elttil a
Eulb dna mraw os yks eht ni.
What in Aerwiar and the Dark Sea is that?”
I laugh and take my journal back, “I write with my left hand, in case you didn’t notice. Writing normally would smear the ink everywhere, so I write backwards. It’s really not hard.”
I flip it right side up, reading the short poem mostly from memory,
“In the sky so warm and blue
A little cloud calls for you
To bring rain or simply shade
To the Maker I have prayed
That you are mine and mine to stay
While in the meadows where we lay”
Tink looks at me like I turned into a squeeblin, “You can read that?”
“Well, yeah? It is my writing, just so you know.”
“Hey, can you tell us another story about Anniera?” Janner asks.
“Yeah!” Leeli agrees, “The one about (add something later)!”
“Actually,” I tell her, “I have a different one this time.”
I swing right side up from the tree and drop down. When the other three sit in a circle with me, I start the story.
“Once, Uh . . . my thoughts left, the end!” I laugh, and Tink joins in.
“Maddie, I think that describes your life,” He tells me.
“Yeah, it does. Um, but actually. One time, the King-” I break off laughing.
“The King and his friend managed to set the kitchen on fire. At midnight. The day before a major conference.”
“So- Well, he was still the prince when this happened – I think it wasn’t the smartest move for his friend to be allowed to stay the night anyway. They decided they were going to try to stay awake all night, so they started by hiding in the library until everyone went to bed. The Prince’s brother was usually the last to sleep and heard them running around.”
Janner interrupts, “What were their names?”
“Names?” I ask, panicking for a moment, “The Prince was Jru, his friend was . . . Esben, and the brother was Artham.”
“Well, Jru and Esben found wood from an old book case they had removed as a safety hazard earlier that month. They took the wood and brought it into the kitchen when they thought everyone was asleep – they wanted to make some food to keep in their room in case they got hungry. Jru and Esben didn’t usually help cook and added more wood than they needed to the fire.
“The fire got too big for them to put out and they tried to put it out by throwing wood over the fire to stop air from getting to it. The wood they threw on caught fire and it traveled to other wooden stuff in the room. They managed to put it out, no idea how, and they went to collect Artham since they figured he was awake. They managed for him to get to the kitchen door before he asked any questions.
“He looked at them, and the first thing he said was, ‘And why am I awake at two in the morning?’ and no one answered for a while.
“Then Jru pointed at Esben and said, ‘It was his fault,’ and Artham asked what was Esben’s fault.
“So the rest of the conversation was about like this;
“Esben- ‘I didn’t know it was flammable!’
“Artham- ‘what was’
“Jru - ‘It’s wood, of course it is!’
“Artham - ‘WHAT WAS!’”
They flinched with the last line, I think it scared them.
“ ‘Well to put it short, the kitchen is on fire.’
“ ‘. . . What?’
“ ‘Correction, it was on fire. We put it out!’
“ ‘Why did you-! Go to bed.’ ”
Tink falls over laughing with the end of the story, and I almost feel sorry for giving him an idea. but then I realize it would be like hanging out with Uncle Esben again and am glad.
Next Chapter!