Character collage update!!! (remember the collages for them that I posted waaaaay back when? If you want to find them again, they're linked here^^) I meant to do this at the beginning of After Times of Tender Agony, but then I would've been spoiling two of my OCs! So here they are now. Oh, and I'm required to state that I did get these images from Canva's image generator; I did not draw them because I am not talented in Form. Word is the only of the T.H.A.G.S. I'm actually good at, and I dabble in Song.
Just going to reiterate that the middle image is each character at their youngest (at least, the youngest at which I'm giving you "photos" for), the bottom right is the next "age block" up, the bottom left the following, the top left the next, and the top right the "oldest" you'll see them in the story.
In this fic, Jebsun looks the way he does in the top right image :DDDDDDD <3
Shastan looks as he does in the top left, and in the next story he'll look as he does in the top right^^
Like Shastan, in this story, Maraly looks like the top left image, and in the next story, she'll look like the top right :)
Anyway...just in case anyone wants a visual^^ <3
Maraly is gorgeous 😍
@ember wingfeather, How did you make these btw?
No, that's not what Jebsun looks like. He's older and stockier, starting to grey.
Shastan... umm... maybe... hmm... but also not... I thought he had dark, maybe black hair... he smiles more, at least.
Definitely not how Maraly looks in the comic, but it works with the book illustrations and the show well enough. 😉
See how well I know these characters? 😜